Skill Building Events Committee

CDS EventS Committee


The events committee is consumer driven and all decisions are made by the consumers. The purpose of the event committee is for consumers to brainstorm, create and plan events for the skill building program. While planning the events, consumers will gain skills in critical thinking, learn how to work as a team and develop pre-vocational skills, such as staying on task, following instructions, etc.


  • Consumers will vote on the upcoming event
  • Consumers will assist will developing materials needed for activities
  • Consumers will generate grocery lists, go grocery shopping, and assist with making the snacks for the event
  • Consumers will have opportunities to freely voice their opinions
  • If any consumer wants to join the committee or leave the committee, they may do so
  • Staff will help guide decisions
  • Staff will assist in making materials for activities, going grocery shopping and making snacks
  • Staff will encourage positive communication across consumers and with staff
  • Staff will use the agenda to document discussion topics