Reporting Sexual Harassment

Due to COVID-19 and this period of physical distancing, Institutional Equity is available for meetings by virtual appointment, Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm.

We are committed to the safety and wellness of the members of our community. If you need emergency assistance, please contact your local police or hospital.


Contacts and resources for reporting sexual harassment

Several Western Michigan University offices may be contacted when a student, employee or visitor experiences unwelcome sexual conduct. The following offices and designated contact persons provide information, resources and assistance for sexual harassment-related concerns, ranging from one-time incidents to pervasive behavior. Every office is responsible for taking prompt and appropriate action to complaints of sexual harassment involving students, faculty, staff and others on campus, including visitors. Every office takes each allegation seriously and ensures that the situation is properly investigated.

Title IX coordinator

The University has a Title IX coordinator who is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the University’s compliance with Title IX provisions, including:

  1. Conducting investigations of sexual harassment complaints involving all members (student, faculty, staff, administrators, visitors and third parties) of the campus community.
  2. The administration and communication of the complaint and grievance procedures.
  3. Coordination and planning of outreach and education or training to increase awareness and prevention of sexual harassment throughout the campus community.

Felicia Taylor Crawford
Director, Title IX Compliance and Title IX Coordinator

Office of Institutional Equity
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5405 USA
Location: 1220 Trimpe Building
(269) 387-6316