Music Theory Midwest

Twentieth Annual Conference

University of Minnesota

May 15–16, 2009 – Minneapolis, Minnesota


Call for Proposals:

(Submission Deadline 15 January 2009)


Music Theory Midwest will hold its 20th Annual Conference on May 15–16, 2009 at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. The conference will be a joint meeting with the Midwest chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology. The MTMW keynote speaker will be David Huron (The Ohio State University).


The Program Committee invites proposals for individual presentations on any area of music theory and analysis. As the conference will be a joint meeting with the Midwest chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology, the committee encourages proposals that engage issues of relevance to both ethnomusicology and music theory (for example, theoretical studies of non-canonical repertories, or explorations of the relationship between ethnography and analysis). Music Theory Midwest also has a tradition of encouraging papers on composers, musicians, or compositions celebrating significant anniversaries in the year of the conference and welcomes proposals for special sessions devoted to a particular topic.


Please read the following instructions carefully. Submissions not conforming to these requirements will not be considered.



Papers should be planned for presentation in twenty minutes, followed by ten minutes for questions. A proposal for an individual presentation consists of two separate parts:

-        The cover letter should list the author's name and email address, the paper title, and any special equipment required for the presentation. If the submitter wishes to be considered for the Komar Award (see below), this should be indicated in the cover letter.

-        The abstract should not exceed 500 words and must be anonymous. Supplementary materials such as musical examples and diagrams may be included and do not count toward the word limit, but should not exceed two additional pages.



Send one cover letter and six copies of the abstract, postmarked not later than January 15, 2009, to:

Steven Rings

Program Chair, MTMW 2009

University of Chicago Department of Music

1010 East 59th St.

Chicago, IL 60637



Electronic submissions are due no later than 15 January 2009. The cover letter information is entered directly into an online form. The abstract must be in .PDF format. No other file formats will be accepted. Examples/diagrams may be included in the same .PDF file with the abstract, or sent as separate .PDF files; if multiple files are submitted, all should be submitted at the same time. Authors are responsible for producing files that will display and print clearly, and for ensuring that the files contain no indication of authorship (including file names). Go to Online Submissions:



Proposals for Special Sessions are encouraged. These are exempt from the word limit and will not be anonymous; the names of the organizer and all participants should be included in the proposal. Special Sessions should be unified in a way that is not normally characteristic of sessions assembled by the Program Committee from individually submitted papers. Anyone wishing to propose a Special Session is asked to contact the Program Chair via email at well in advance of the proposal deadline.



The Arthur J. Komar Award for best student paper will be presented at the conclusion of the meeting. Student presenters who wish to be considered for this award must identify this in their cover letters. For the purposes of this award, "student" status terminates with the receipt of a terminal degree or employment in a full-time position. Additional information about the Komar Award can be found at:



Those submitting proposals will receive notice of the Program Committee's decision by late February, when the preliminary program for the conference is assembled. Those whose proposals are accepted will be asked at this time to submit a 250-word abstract suitable for publication in the program booklet. In some cases, the Program Committee may request that a presentation be given in a format other than the usual twenty-minute paper. Music Theory Midwest expects that those who submit proposals will be able to attend the conference. If at any time after submitting a proposal you learn that you will be unable to be present on May 15–16, please contact the Program Chair immediately to withdraw your proposal from consideration. Please do not wait until the Committee's decisions are announced; doing so could cause complications affecting the entire conference program.




Chair, Steven Rings (University of Chicago),

Kyle Adams (Indiana University)

Nicole Biamonte (University of Iowa)

Robert Cook (University of Iowa)

Sigrun Heinzelmann (Oberlin College Conservatory)

Michael Vidmar-McEwen (Indiana University)

Ronald Rodman (Carleton College), ex officio (as MTMW President)




Matthew Bribitzer-Stull (University of Minnesota),