Emerging Hope Family Strengthening Program 12th Annual Mental Health Forum

  •  Date: Saturday, April 14
  •  Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  •  Location:
    3901 Emerald Dr, Suite D
    Kalamazoo, MI 49001

Program description

Over the last 12 years Emerging HOPE has hosted a Mental Health Forum to provide a place where individuals, groups, and organizations can come together in Kalamazoo to share information and ideas on the importance eradicating the stigma of mental illness.

Program credits

Attendees of the program can earn 0.5 WMU CEU credits.


The program registration cost is $25, to be paid at the event. If you are interested in CEU credits, an additional $20 will be charged for the processing of the CEUs via the register button on this web page. Please see Dr. Pamela Robinson at the event to complete the CEU form.


This program is for:

  • child care professionals
  • certified firefighters
  • mental health professionals
  • social workers
  • individuals with, or working with those with, mental health disabilities


Dr. Pamela Robinson, can be reached at (269) 321-0021.