Our primary colors are brown and gold. Gold plays the dominant role in our identity and community. They represent WMU at the highest level and should be present in all communications.
Always use at 100% full color. Do not alter opacity or screen.
7406 Gold
Pantone coated: 7406
Pantone uncoated: 120
CMYK coated: 0, 13, 100, 1
CMYK uncoated: 0, 11, 92, 0
HSL: 49, 100%, 47.3%
RGB: 241, 197, 0
Hex: #F1C500
Thread: Madeira 1124 gold
HSL: 0, 100%, 100%
RGB: 255, 255, 255
4625 Brown
Pantone coated: 4625
Pantone uncoated: 4625
CMYK coated: 14, 75, 91, 76
CMYK uncoated: 14, 75, 91, 76
HSL: 17, 45.2%, 22.5%
RGB: 83, 46, 31
Hex: #532E1F
Thread: Madeira 1059 brown
The neutral color palette adds sophistication and contrast to our color system.
Always use at 100% full color. Do not alter opacity or screen.
PMS 401
Pantone coated: 401
Pantone uncoated: 401
CMYK coated: 28, 25, 28, 3
CMYK uncoated: 24, 22, 26, 5
HSL: 32, 8%, 68%
RGB: 180, 174, 167
Hex: #B4AEA7
PMS 5497
Pantone coated: 5497
Pantone uncoated: 5497
CMYK coated: 48, 24, 29, 7
CMYK uncoated: 49, 23, 29, 14
HSL: 180, 8.6%, 54.5%
RGB: 129, 149, 149
Hex: #819595
PMS 7531
Pantone coated: 7531
Pantone uncoated: 7531
CMYK coated: 37, 44, 56, 31
CMYK uncoated: 34, 38, 46, 27
HSL: 20, 7.2%, 51%
RGB: 139, 127, 121
Hex: #8B7F79
Use the accent colors sparingly. Do not use for large floods of color.
Always use at 100% full color. Do not alter opacity or screen.
PMS 3285
Pantone coated: 3285
Pantone uncoated: 3285
CMYK coated: 100, 0, 57, 1
CMYK uncoated: 100, 0, 56, 9
HSL: 174, 100%, 28.2%
RGB: 0, 144, 129
Hex: #009081
PMS 1665
Pantone coated: 1665
Pantone uncoated: 1665
CMYK coated: 0, 82, 100, 0
CMYK uncoated: 0, 72, 100, 0
HSL: 12, 75.0%, 59.2%
RGB: 229, 104, 73
Hex: #E56849
PMS 200
Pantone coated: 200
Pantone uncoated: 200
CMYK coated: 20, 100, 100, 12
CMYK uncoated: 20, 100, 100, 12
HSL: 0, 100%, 35.3%
RGB: 180, 0, 0
Hex: #B40000
PMS 2567
Pantone coated: 2567
Pantone uncoated: 2567
CMYK coated: 24, 38, 0, 0
CMYK uncoated: 25, 40, 0, 0
HSL: 273, 45.5%, 74.1%
RGB: 192, 159, 219
Hex: #C09FDB
PMS 639
Pantone coated: 639
Pantone uncoated: 639
CMYK coated: 97, 4, 3, 2
CMYK uncoated: 94, 3, 2, 1
HSL: 194, 100%, 40%
RGB: 0, 156, 204
Hex: #009CCC
PMS 383
Pantone coated: 383
Pantone uncoated: 383
CMYK coated: 19, 0, 100, 18
CMYK uncoated: 30, 4, 100, 20
HSL: 67, 48.1%, 40.8%
RGB: 142, 154, 54
Hex: #8E9A36
Reproduction Guidelines
When communicating with printing or promotional vendors—anyone who is reproducing our logo and brand colors—it’s critical to specify the appropriate color system for each means of reproduction.
CMYK with Pantone spot color number
- Paper items (brochures, mailed items, some signage)
- Vinyl or other substrates (banners, adhesive decals, some signage)
- Full-color promotional items (magnets, buttons, etc.)
- Soft goods (apparel, flags and tablecloths)
Choose brown, gold, white or gray for staff shirts. A brown tablecloth is the University standard for consistency.
Pantone spot colors only
- Stationery items (business cards, letterhead, envelopes, note pads)
- 1- or 2-color promotional items (pens, water bottles, totes, etc.)
RGB and Hexidecimal
- Websites
- Digital communications (emails, online forms, social media)
- Digital graphics (images, animations, video)
- Digital presentations (PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.)
Color matching may vary on different computer monitors. Different printing processes (e.g., digital, offset lithography, screen printing) and paper choice may also affect the appearance of color.
- WMU has selected specific thread colors to be used on brown, gold, white or gray shirts for their staff.