Sept. 28, 1999
KALAMAZOO -- Fall orientation sessions have been set for prospective members of Safe on Campus, a group of allies for Western Michigan University's lesbian, gay and bisexual students.
Members agree to make their offices a safe haven from prejudice, intolerance and discrimination so that students can be open about their sexual orientation without fear of negative reaction or reprisal. They also are trained to help students locate campus resources and can assist in reporting incidents of harassment or discrimination.
Safe on Campus was founded in 1997. Members are identified by a pink triangle/Safe on Campus sign on their office or living space doors. More than 200 faculty and staff members and a few students have joined the group.
To become a member, persons must complete one two-hour orientation session. This fall's sessions will take place in Room 212 of the Bernhard Center at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 30; 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 21; 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12; and noon Wednesday, Nov. 24.
For more information or to register for an orientation session, contact Matthew C. Kline, WMU's coordinator for lesbian, bisexual and gay issues, at 387-2123 or <>.
Media contact: Jeanne Baron, 616 387-8400,
Office of University Relations
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5433 USA
616 387-8400