WMU News

Author Wendell Mayo presents reading of his work

Feb. 4, 2000

KALAMAZOO -- An author who lectures frequently in Lithuania will present a reading of his work Thursday, Feb. 24, at Western Michigan University.

Wendell Mayo, author of four books of fiction, will read from his work at 8:30 p.m. in Room 3512 of Knauss Hall. Sponsored by the WMU's Department of English, the reading is free and open to the public.

Among Mayo's work are a story collection, "Centaur of the North"; a novel-in-stories called "In Lithuanian Wood;" and "B. Horror and Other Stories." He has a forthcoming book titled "Paukstis Giesmininkas."

His stories have appeared widely in more than 70 magazines and anthologies, including the Yale Review, the Harvard Review, the Missouri Review, the Indiana Review and Prairie Schooner. He has been awarded lectureships seven times by the Ministry of Education of the former Soviet Republic of Lithuania, a master fellowship from the Indiana Arts Commission and the HarperCollins Fellowship.

Mayo currently teaches fiction writing, form and theory of fiction, and modern and contemporary literature in the Creative Writing Program at Bowling Green State University.

For more information, contact Julie Stotz-Ghosh at 616 373-9212.

Media contact: Marie Lee, 616 387-8400, marie.lee@wmich.edu

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