WMU News

Expert on Brazilian immigration visits WMU

Feb. 2, 2005

KALAMAZOO--An authority on issues facing Brazilian immigrants will speak on the Western Michigan University campus Friday and Saturday, Feb. 11 and 12.

Ingrid Muzy Murray is a mental health therapist with Behavioral Health Services of Cape Cod Healthcare and works with the immigrant Brazilian population in the Cape Cod, Mass., area. She will speak at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11, on "Family Life in Brazil: Continuities and Challenges." Her speech on Feb. 12 is titled "Brazilian Life in the U.S.: Immigrants' Experiences," and begins at 9:15 a.m. The presentations are part of a seminar series on Brazil and are free and open to the public in Room 3005 of Kohrman Hall. Brazilian textiles, folk art and music are other highlights of the weekend.

Murray is a graduate of Boston University and the Maria Theresa University of Biology and Psychology in Rio de Janeiro.

As a mental health therapist, she provides such services as individual and group outpatient mental health psychotherapy, case management and advocacy for immigrants. She is co-founder of the Brazilian Organization for Services and Support and has served as chair of the Cape Cod and Islands Multicultural Committee.

Her trip to WMU is through the 2004-05 Visiting Scholars and Artists Program and is sponsored by the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences. The seminar series began in January and concludes March 18-19 with discussions of Brazilian food and nutrition. The seminar series is a prelude to a two-week study tour of Brazil April 24 to May 8.

For more information on the trip or seminar series, call Dr. Karen Blaisure, associate professor of family and consumer sciences at (269) 387-3663.

Media contact: Mark Schwerin, 269 387-8400, mark.schwerin@wmich.edu

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