WMU News

WMU beefs up microbiology security procedures

May 4, 2005

KALAMAZOO--Because of growing research endeavors at Western Michigan University and concerns raised by Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the university has established a new microbiology safety and security policy.

The policy assures that microbiological agents are used safely and provides a procedural infrastructure to tighten security. It was developed through the extensive work of the Research Policies Council of the Faculty Senate and university's administration.

Highlights of the plan include: designation of a biosafety officer and biosafety coordinating committee to oversee the procurement, use and storage of potentially infectious agents in university laboratories; adoption of the biosafety procedures and guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health; and centralization of the purchase and inventory of microbiological agents.

"The policy and procedures are working well," says Dr. Jack Luderer, WMU vice president for research. "The administration and faculty that work with the policy and procedures believe that formal adoption will further emphasize the importance of microbiological safety and security on the university campus."

The WMU Board of Trustees formally approved the policy at its April 22 meeting.

Media contact: Cheryl Roland, 269 387-8400, cheryl.roland@wmich.edu

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