John Pinkster

John Pinkster, B.B.A.’11

Commander of Code
Vice President of Engineering, Maestro

John Pinkster has accomplished a lot in eight years. Immediately starting as an IT specialist at HUMANeX Ventures after graduation, Pinkster quickly progressed to IT manager, where he was leading a team of ten people across two locations. Looking for exposure to other platforms and to grow in database design, Pinkster decided to accept a role as solutions architect at Streamline Healthcare Solutions. This move spring-boarded his career, giving him incredible exposure to complex database design, HIPPA requirements and managing offshore resources.

Then he found Maestro, a computer software company and a gem in the Kalamazoo community. Pinkster’s experience with Maestro includes building a complex content management system, as well as building software solutions for Fortune 500 companies. Now, Pinkster serves as vice president of engineering, helping drive the team to build world-class software.