
Fall 2019

This report contains data on student enrollment at census for the Fall 2019 semester. It has six sections (see tabs above):

  1. All Campus: unduplicated head and student credit hour counts for the entire university.

  2. Main Campus: headcount/sch of all students taking at least one course (for credit) on the main campus

  3. Extended University Programs (EUP): headcount/sch of all students taking at least one course (for credit) at one of our regional sites or taking at least one online education course (for credit). Students enrolled in both online education and regional sites courses are counted only once here.

  4. CELCIS: headcount of students enrolled in English language courses offered through the Center for English Language and Culture for International Students. These students are not included in the headcounts/sch for any campus (including ‘All Campus’). Note that CELCIS students were previously included in ‘All Campus’ headcounts through the Summer II 2017 semester.

This report includes students (and their credit hours) who are taking courses exclusively at locations outside the US. These students are excluded from mandatory state and federal reporting, so figures may vary slightly between this report and other university reporting.


Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Percent Change
Freshman 3,989 3,638 -8.8%
Sophomore 4,101 3,951 -3.7%
Junior 4,066 4,098 0.8%
Senior 5,363 5,114 -4.6%
Undergraduate Non-Degree 241 250 3.7%
Undergraduates Total 17,760 17,051 -4%
Masters 3,282 2,955 -10%
Specialist 10 15 50%
Doctoral 909 891 -2%
Graduate Certificate 120 96 -20%
Graduate Non-Degree 481 462 -4%
Graduates Total 4,802 4,419 -8%
Total 22,562 21,470 -4.8% -1,092

Credit Hours

Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Percent Change
Freshman 56,406 51,361 -8.9%
Sophomore 55,035 54,358 -1.2%
Junior 53,717 54,636 1.7%
Senior 65,220 62,550 -4.1%
Undergraduate Non-Degree 1,453 1,341 -7.7%
Undergraduates Total 231,831 224,246 -3.3%
Masters 21,651 19,235 -11.2%
Specialist 32 37 15.6%
Doctoral 4,572 4,823 5.5%
Graduate Certificate 478 420 -12.1%
Graduate Non-Degree 953 927 -2.7%
Graduates Total 27,686 25,442 -8.1%
Total 259,517 249,688 -3.8% -9,829


Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Percent Change
Full-time Undergraduates 14,983 14,558 -2.8%
Part-time Undergraduates 2,777 2,493 -10.2%
Full-time Graduates 2,840 2,591 -8.8%
Part-time Graduates 1,962 1,828 -6.8%
Residents 18,552 17,034 -8.2%
Non-Residents 4,010 4,436 10.6%
Beginners, Transfers, Re-entries
Beginning Undergraduates 3,025 2,945 -2.6%
Beginning Graduates 1,233 1,011 -18%
New Transfer Undergraduates 1,606 1,453 -9.5%
Re-entries Undergraduates 295 294 -0.3%
Re-entries Graduates 59 62 5.1%
Undergraduates 967 985 1.9%
Graduates 905 721 -20.3%
Total Males 11,033 10,442 -5.4%
Total Females 11,529 11,028 -4.3%

Average Credit Hours

Fall 2018 Fall 2019
Undergraduates 13.1 13.2
Graduates (Non-Doctoral) 5.9 5.8
Doctoral 5 5.4


Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Percent Change
Freshman 3,948 3,617 -8.4%
Sophomore 4,025 3,870 -3.9%
Junior 3,855 3,905 1.3%
Senior 4,933 4,701 -4.7%
Undergraduate Non-Degree 139 120 -13.7%
Undergraduates Total 16,900 16,213 -4.1%
Masters 2,123 1,847 -13%
Specialist 4 7 75%
Doctoral 834 803 -3.7%
Graduate Certificate 31 22 -29%
Graduate Non-Degree 102 80 -21.6%
Graduates Total 3,094 2,759 -10.8%
Total 19,994 18,972 -5.1% -1,022

Credit Hours

Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Percent Change
Freshman 54,943 50,266 -8.5%
Sophomore 49,864 48,873 -2%
Junior 47,067 47,145 0.2%
Senior 56,481 53,218 -5.8%
Undergraduate Non-Degree 1,072 857 -20.1%
Undergraduates Total 209,427 200,359 -4.3%
Masters 13,903 12,058 -13.3%
Specialist 5 13 160%
Doctoral 4,207 4,458 6%
Graduate Certificate 113 94 -16.8%
Graduate Non-Degree 382 367 -3.9%
Graduates Total 18,610 16,990 -8.7%
Total 228,037 217,349 -4.7% -10,688


Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Percent Change
Full-time Undergraduates 12,466 11,848 -5%
Part-time Undergraduates 4,434 4,365 -1.6%
Full-time Graduates 1,872 1,690 -9.7%
Part-time Graduates 1,222 1,069 -12.5%
Residents 16,392 15,010 -8.4%
Non-Residents 3,602 3,962 10%
Beginners, Transfers, Re-entries
Beginning Undergraduates 2,981 2,891 -3%
Beginning Graduates 814 668 -17.9%
New Transfer Undergraduates 1,488 1,354 -9%
Re-entries Undergraduates 214 220 2.8%
Re-entries Graduates 23 31 34.8%
Undergraduates 959 980 2.2%
Graduates 835 654 -21.7%
Total Males 10,223 9,653 -5.6%
Total Females 9,771 9,319 -4.6%

Average Credit Hours

Fall 2018 Fall 2019
Undergraduates 12.4 12.4
Graduates (Non-Doctoral) 6.4 6.4
Doctoral 5 5.6


Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Percent Change
Freshman 342 285 -16.7%
Sophomore 1,261 1,286 2%
Junior 1,423 1,623 14.1%
Senior 1,790 1,834 2.5%
Undergraduate Non-Degree 114 137 20.2%
Undergraduates Total 4,930 5,165 4.8%
Masters 1,582 1,470 -7.1%
Specialist 9 8 -11.1%
Doctoral 119 135 13.4%
Graduate Certificate 96 81 -15.6%
Graduate Non-Degree 384 385 0.3%
Graduates Total 2,190 2,079 -5.1%
Total 7,120 7,244 1.7% 124

Credit Hours

Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Percent Change
Freshman 1,463 1,095 -25.2%
Sophomore 5,171 5,485 6.1%
Junior 6,650 7,491 12.6%
Senior 8,739 9,332 6.8%
Undergraduate Non-Degree 381 484 27%
Undergraduates Total 22,404 23,887 6.6%
Masters 7,748 7,177 -7.4%
Specialist 27 24 -11.1%
Doctoral 365 365 0%
Graduate Certificate 365 326 -10.7%
Graduate Non-Degree 571 560 -1.9%
Graduates Total 9,076 8,452 -6.9%
Total 31,480 32,339 2.7% 859


Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Percent Change
Full-time Undergraduates 213 213 0%
Part-time Undergraduates 4,717 4,952 5%
Full-time Graduates 755 711 -5.8%
Part-time Graduates 1,435 1,368 -4.7%
Residents 6,136 5,879 -4.2%
Non-Residents 984 1,365 38.7%
Beginners, Transfers, Re-entries
Beginning Undergraduates 149 152 2%
Beginning Graduates 534 423 -20.8%
New Transfer Undergraduates 413 423 2.4%
Re-entries Undergraduates 130 145 11.5%
Re-entries Graduates 36 34 -5.6%
Undergraduates 148 191 29.1%
Graduates 186 146 -21.5%
Total Males 2,585 2,816 8.9%
Total Females 4,535 4,428 -2.4%

Average Credit Hours

Fall 2018 Fall 2019
Undergraduates 4.5 4.6
Graduates (Non-Doctoral) 4.2 4.2
Doctoral 3.1 2.7


Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Percent Change
Total 84 59 -29.8% -25