Fall 1996 Events

The activites below took place during the Fall 1996 semester. Unless otherwise stated, events were held in the Commons Room on the 6th floor of Everett Tower.

Friday, September 20, 4pm
The Annual Pi Mu Epsilon Pizza Party

Friday, September 26, 4pm
"How a Mathematician Catches a Baseball"
Dr. Edward Aboufadel, Grand Valley State University

Wednesday, October 2, 3pm
The inaugrual Pi Mu Epsilon Problem Solving Sessions
Dr. Radu Teodorescu coached the session
focusing on topics from the Calculus and analysis.
These sessions were held every other Wednesday throughout the semester.

Friday, October 18, 4pm
"What will the Future of Mathematics Look Like?"
Dr. Chandler Davis, University of Toronto

Tuesday, October 22 - Thursday, October 24
in 3375 Rood Hall
Book Sale
From 11 a.m - 4 p.m. every day.

Friday, November 22, 4pm
"The Cordie Algorithms"
Dr. Don Girod, Canisius College

Friday, December 6, 4pm
Pi Mu Epsilon Problem Celebration and Pizza Party

To download a copy of the Fall 1996 schedule, click here.

Fall 1996 Officers



Laars Helenius

Katie Iciek


Vice President



Jonathan Woodard

Heather Muszall




Dawn Jones

Graduate Representative

Chapter History

Our chapter was established in 1988. Before a chapter can be established at an institution, the PME National Council requires clear evidence of an ongoing history of student mathematical activity outside the classroom, and adequate support for these activities.

We were the fifth chapter to be established in Michigan, and hence were assigned the fifth letter of Greek alphabet: epsilon. Thus, our official name is:

The Michigan Epsilon Chapter
of Pi Mu Epsilon

Do You Know More?

Some information about previous semesters is incomplete. We ask anyone with photos, documents, or details about missing events to inform us using our Contact Information.