Fall 1998 Events

The activites below took place during the Fall 1998 semester as part of a joint program between the Kalamazoo Area Student Chapter of the MAA and the mathematics honors society Pi Mu Epsilon. Unless otherwise stated, events were held in the Alavi Commons Room on the 6th floor of Everett Tower.

Friday, September 11, 4pm
Annual Pi Mu Epsilon Pizza Party

Friday, September 25, 4pm
"The Money Changing Problem"
Raluca Muntean, Western Michigan University

Friday, October 15, 4pm
"Breaking Driver's License Codes"
Dr. Joseph Gallian, Professor of Mathematics

Friday, October 15, 6:30pm
in Rooms 157-159, Bernhard Student Center
Annual Pi Mu Epsilon Banquet and Initiation Ceremony
Punch bowl at 6:00 pm.
Dr. Joseph Gallian presented an after dinner talk entitled "The Beatles"

Friday, November 10 - Thursday, November 12
in Room 3360 Rood Hall
The Annual Pi Mu Epsilon Booksale
from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm each day

Friday, November 20, 4pm
"How Archimedes (287-212 B.C) Used his Laptop Computer
to Compute the Value of Pi"
Dr. John Stoughton, Hope College

Friday, December 4, 4pm
"Research in Mathematics for Undergraduates:
How Do We Do It?"
Professor Gary Chartrand, Western Michigan University
This talk was followed by our end-of-the semester pizza party.

To download a copy of the Fall 1998 schedule, click here.

Fall 1998 Officers



Chris T. Poisson

Peter Buczkowski


Vice President



Raluca Muntean

Natasha Shinkel





Linda L. Eroh

Oscar Neal

Graduate Representative

Web Page Manager

Chapter History

Our chapter was established in 1988. Before a chapter can be established at an institution, the PME National Council requires clear evidence of an ongoing history of student mathematical activity outside the classroom, and adequate support for these activities.

We were the fifth chapter to be established in Michigan, and hence were assigned the fifth letter of Greek alphabet: epsilon. Thus, our official name is:

The Michigan Epsilon Chapter
of Pi Mu Epsilon

Do You Know More?

Some information about previous semesters is incomplete. We ask anyone with photos, documents, or details about missing events to inform us using our Contact Information.