Fall 2001 Events

The activites below took place during the Fall 2001 semester as part of a joint program between the Math Club @ WMU and the mathematics honors society Pi Mu Epsilon. Unless otherwise stated, events were held in the Alavi Commons Room on the 6th floor of Everett Tower.

Friday, September 7, 4pm
Pi Mu Epsilon Pizza Party
with ScMaTa

Tuesday, September 11 - Thursday, September 13
in 3375 Rood Hall
Pi Mu Epsilon Book Sale
from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday, September 28, 4pm
"How to Kick a Field Goal"
Dan Isaksen, University of Notre Dame

Thursday, October 4, 4pm
"The Mathematics of JPEG"
H. Bauschke, University of Guelph, Canada

Friday, October 12, 4pm
"Thermostats, Suspensions and Noisy Brakes"
M. Shillor, Oakland University

Friday, October 26, 4pm
in 1104 Rood Hall
"Mathematics in Photography"
David Ross, Eastman Kodak and Rochester Institute of Technology

Friday, October 26, 6pm
in 157-158 Bernhard Center
PME Initiation Banquet
David Ross presented an after dinner talk:
"Bad Jokes and Cheap Tricks:
Modern Mathematics at its Essence"

Friday, November 2, 4pm
"How To Add Vectors"
Michael Kinyon, Western Michigan University

Friday, November 9, 4pm
"Graph Decompositions and Algebraic Representations"
Mike Raines, Western Michigan University

Saturday, November 17
Trip to the National Superconducting Cyclotron Lab
Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan
with the Physics Club

Thursday, November 29, 7pm
in 1104 Rood Hall
Popcorn and a Movie: "A Brief History of Time"
with the Physics Club

Chapter History

Our chapter was established in 1988. Before a chapter can be established at an institution, the PME National Council requires clear evidence of an ongoing history of student mathematical activity outside the classroom, and adequate support for these activities.

We were the fifth chapter to be established in Michigan, and hence were assigned the fifth letter of Greek alphabet: epsilon. Thus, our official name is:

The Michigan Epsilon Chapter
of Pi Mu Epsilon

Do You Know More?

Some information about previous semesters is incomplete. We ask anyone with photos, documents, or details about missing events to inform us using our Contact Information.