Fall 2013 Events

The activites below took place during the Fall 2013 semester as part of a joint program between the Math Club @ WMU and the mathematics honors society Pi Mu Epsilon. Unless otherwise stated, events were held in the Alavi Commons Room on the 6th floor of Everett Tower.

Every Wednesday at noon
Brown Bag Lunch in the Alavi Commons
All students, staff, and faculty are invited!

Friday, September 13, 3 - 6 p.m.
Bronco Bash, Booth 268

Friday, September 27, 4:30 p.m.
Putney Auditorium, Fetzer Center
Service with the US Antarctic Program: Science, Engineering, Adventure, and Education
Dr. Robert Melville, Senior Scientist, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Jointly sponsored by the College of Arts & Sciences, Mallinson Institute for Science Education, and the Departments of Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Geography, Geosciences, Physics, Mathematics, and Statistics.

Wednesday-Friday, October 2 - 4, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
in 2275 Rood Hall
Booksale, Rood Hall Rm 3375
Tons of math, math education, and statistics books for $5 or less.

Friday, October 11, 4 p.m.
Some Famous Mathematicians I Have Known
Professor Art White, Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University

Friday, October 18, 4 p.m.
Rood Hall, Rm 1110
Factorization of Permutations: From a Matching Game to Mathematical Research
Public Lecture by Professor Chi-Kwong Li, The College of William and Mary

Friday, October 18, 6 p.m.
Fetzer Center
Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremonies and Banquet

Friday, October 25, 4 p.m.
Putney Auditorium, Fetzer Center
The Combinatorics of Solving Linear Equations
Prof. Ron Graham, University of California, San Diego
For more information about Dr. Graham, see his wikipedia page.

Friday, November 1, 4 p.m.
Feedback Forum with the Chair
Professor Gene Freudenburg, Chair, Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University

Friday, November 8, 4 p.m.
Finite Fields
Professor Jay Wood, Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University

Friday, November 15, 4 p.m.
Summer Adventures
Brian Hadley, Robert Kipka, Victoria Ward, Students, Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University

Friday, November 22, 4 p.m.
Exploring Geometry ... Part 3D!
Laars Helenius, Graduate Student, Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University

Friday, December 6, 4 p.m.
Business Meeting, Dinner, and a Movie
Movie: The Derivative vs The Integral - The Final Smackdown

Fall 2013 Officers

Joshua Withee Katie Hillenbrand

Joshua Withee

Katie Hillenbrand


Vice President

Trina Hegedus Tori Ward

Trina Hegedus

Tori Ward



Dan Johnston Margaret Potter

Dan Johnston

Margaret Potter

Graduate Representatives

Faculty Advisors

Niloufer Mackey Steve Ziebarth

Niloufer Mackey

Steve Ziebarth


Pi Mu Epsilon Scholarship Committee

Art White Jay Wood

Art White

Jay Wood


Chapter History

Our chapter was established in 1988. Before a chapter can be established at an institution, the PME National Council requires clear evidence of an ongoing history of student mathematical activity outside the classroom, and adequate support for these activities.

We were the fifth chapter to be established in Michigan, and hence were assigned the fifth letter of Greek alphabet: epsilon. Thus, our official name is:

The Michigan Epsilon Chapter
of Pi Mu Epsilon