Metric-Tonal Cipher

Source: Code, David Loberg "Can Musical Encryption be Both?", 2022

1^ 2^ 3^ 4^ 5^ 6^ 7^
1• t i a s e n o
2• k z x q j *
3• r c h m d l u
4• f y g p w b v
Type your message in the plaintext box to encipher. Upper-case letters can change the octave for smoother melodic lines. * (or & for upper octave) followed by a pitch name will transpose the subsequent encryption based on a new tonic. Spaces are ignored; commas add bar lines; periods add a new staff.


     Set cipherkey:
      Clef:     Tonic:     Mode:     Unit:      

Sheet Music for "Enter new plaintext above"Enter new plaintext abovetheENDok
     Set decoy:

Listen to ciphermelody:
              (MIDI player is not optimized for mobile phones.)


Ciphermelodies can be translated back into plaintext using the decryption box above. Type the extracted cipher symbols as a two-digit number in the format [beat][degree]. For example, 35 represents 3•5^, which decrypts to the letter d. You must include a space between each number; enter = at the end of the line to render the musical notation.


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