Course Proposal Form

Thank you for volunteering your time and expertise to teach for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Western Michigan University!  

This form provides the information WMUx staff and the OLLI at WMU's Curriculum Committee need to plan and schedule your course. Proposal information will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee, and you will be notified of their decision after all proposals have been reviewed following the course proposal due date.

Please note: Background checks are required for instructors teaching in person or online for OLLI. Once your course is confirmed, instructions to complete the background check will be emailed.

An answer is required for all questions that are indicated with a red asterisk (*). Please fill in an answer for every question, even if that is "none," "n/a," "on file," etc.

Submission Proposal Deadlines:

  • Fall (Sept. - Nov.): Last day for submission - Apr 1
  • Winter/Spring (Feb. - April): Last day for submission - Sep 1
  • Summer (June-July): Last day for submission - Dec 1
Primary Instructor Contact Information
Are you a returning OLLI at WMU instructor?
Is this a repeat course? (required)
Are you a current or retired WMU faculty/staff member?
Were you contacted and asked to teach a course for OLLI at WMU? (required)
Who contacted you to teach a course for OLLI at WMU?
Will any additional instructors be teaching during the course? (required)
Additional Instructor Contact Information
Proposed OLLI at WMU Course
Given these 4 subject areas, where would you categorize your course? (required)
An eye-catching course title is descriptive but concise. Please refrain from using “all caps” or ellipses.
Your course description will be used in the course catalog. Please write a short paragraph – a minimum of three lines and a maximum of seven lines – detailing what a participant can expect from your course experience. If participants are expected to purchase course materials, include information on how much they will cost and where they can be obtained. Do not use “all caps,” bullet points, or ellipses. We reserve the right to edit descriptions at our discretion and will make every effort to communicate substantive changes to you.
Your biography will be used in the course catalog to introduce you to our learners. Please write a short paragraph – a minimum of three lines and a maximum of seven lines – about yourself in the third person. Include educational background, teaching experience, special training or qualifications in the subject area to be taught and any other relevant information. Do not use “all caps,” bullet points, or ellipses. We reserve the right to edit descriptions at our discretion and will make every effort to communicate substantive changes to you.
Guest Speaker(s) (required)
Will any guest speakers be invited to present during the course?
Please list the names of all guest speakers, one name per line.
Please indicate the desired modality of your course: (required)
Indicate your desired maximum number of participants:
If more than the maximum number of people would like to take your course, would you be willing to: a) increase the maximum, b) repeat the course during the same semester, or c) repeat the course the course, the next semester? (Please specific a, b, or c)
Indicate any special room requirements, such as carpet, no carpet, that will assist us in the selection of a venue. If you have a location that you prefer, please list it here. NOTE: Room setup is not provided by the venue.
Instructional Technology Development (required)
If the presentation of your course includes media, such as PowerPoint, video, or music, please refer to page six of the instructor handbook at the bottom of the “Become an Instructor” tab on the OLLI at WMU website for guidelines. Presentation development assistance is available upon request. Please indicate below if you would like to be contacted following the acceptance of your course proposal to schedule an appointment for this assistance.
Classroom Technology Requirements (required)
Check all that apply. We will make every attempt to accommodate requests, but supplies are limited.
Classroom Technology Support (required)
Will you need any support or training with any of the above technology for your course if you are assigned a room in the College of Health and Human Services or other WMU classrooms? (Other venues provide their own support.)
Please list the instructional materials you will need, such as books, tickets for a performance, copies, etc. If you would like the OLLI office to produce copies for you, they are limited to 500 pages per course and must be submitted at least two weeks before the course start date. Also list any other items that registrants should bring to the course, such as laptops, photos, notebooks, etc. If participants are expected to purchase their own course materials, include information on how much they will cost and where they can be obtained.
Sessions and Dates
OLLI at WMU courses are limited to one session per week. Ideally, we ask that your course meets at least twice, for a minimum of 90 minutes each session.
Meeting Schedule Preferences
Courses are normally scheduled to meet once a week in two-hour time blocks; for example, on Monday from 9 to 11 a.m. or Thursday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Provide your top three preferences for days and times you would like to teach your course below:
WMU Parking Permit (required)
If your course is assigned to a room in a Western Michigan University building, will you need a parking permit? Answer "no" if you already have a WMU permit or a handicap permit.
Please provide your license plate number. If your license plate is from a state other than Michigan, please indicate below, e.g. "WMU 1903 (Florida)"

Printing instructions

To print this completed form, hit CTRL+P on your keyboard for a Windows computer, or COMMAND(⌘)+ P on Apple computers.

Please direct questions to:

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute @ WMU
1903 W. Michigan Ave.
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5230 USA
Phone: (269) 387-4200
Fax: (269) 387-4127
Campus site: 3202 Ellsworth Hall

To submit the form, click the SUBMIT button above.