Course Proposal Form
Thank you for volunteering your time and expertise to teach for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Western Michigan University!
This form provides the information WMUx staff and the OLLI at WMU's Curriculum Committee need to plan and schedule your course. Proposal information will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee, and you will be notified of their decision after all proposals have been reviewed following the course proposal due date.
Please note: Background checks are required for instructors teaching in person or online for OLLI. Once your course is confirmed, instructions to complete the background check will be emailed.
An answer is required for all questions that are indicated with a red asterisk (*). Please fill in an answer for every question, even if that is "none," "n/a," "on file," etc.
Submission Proposal Deadlines:
- Fall (Sept. - Nov.): Last day for submission - Apr 1
- Winter/Spring (Feb. - April): Last day for submission - Sep 1
- Summer (June-July): Last day for submission - Dec 1
Printing instructions
To print this completed form, hit CTRL+P on your keyboard for a Windows computer, or COMMAND(⌘)+ P on Apple computers.
Please direct questions to:
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute @ WMU1903 W. Michigan Ave.
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5230 USA
Phone: (269) 387-4200
Fax: (269) 387-4127
Campus site: 3202 Ellsworth Hall
To submit the form, click the SUBMIT button above.