WMU News

October 31, 1997, Kalamazoo MI USA

Office of University Relations

October 1997 WMU News Archive
Stories are listed in descending order by release date, beginning with the most recent. Click on the headline for the full story.

WMU seeks 'progressive, inclusive' leader as next university president (Oct. 31) WMU seeks as its next president "a leader with a progressive, inclusive leadership style who can build a shared sense of unity and purpose among all University constituencies," according to a position specification for the job approved Oct. 31 by the WMU Board of Trustees.

September gifts to WMU total nearly $1 million (Oct. 31) Nearly $1 million in gifts was donated to WMU during September.

WMU seeks approval to plan projects (Oct. 31) Officials at WMU have identified the renovation and expansion of its engineering facilities and a new student services building as top priorities in this year's request for capital outlay funds.

Chinese university president to receive honorary degree (Oct. 31) A leader in the field of Chinese language teaching will receive an honorary degree from WMU in December.

Board approves AFSCME contract (Oct. 31) The WMU Board of Trustees Oct. 31 approved a three-year contract with Local 1668 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.

September grants top $1.4 million (Oct. 31) More than $1.4 million in grants was awarded to WMU during September.

Board approves appointments (Oct. 31) The appointments of an associate dean and three department chairpersons were approved Oct. 31 by the Western Michigan University Board of Trustees.

Two new works join WMU's permanent collection (Oct. 30) Two new sculptures have been installed on the WMU campus as part of its permanent art collection this fall.

Presidential position description on board agenda (Oct. 28) The WMU Board of Trustees will meet at 11:15 a.m. Friday, Oct. 31, in the Connable Board Room of the Bernhard Center. Agenda items include the presentation of a presidential position description for approval.

WMU alumni group launches Issues in Education series (Oct. 28) An increasing number of behavioral problems in the classroom will be the topic of an education forum at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11.

Howard University graduate dean to discuss preparing faculty (Oct. 28) "Preparing Future Faculty for the Next Millennium: Challenges and Opportunities for Doctoral Granting Universities" is the title of an address to be presented Monday, Nov. 10.

Panel discussion planned on physician-assisted dying (Oct. 28) A panel of experts will explore the topic of "Physician-Assisted Dying" during a discussion at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11.

How many more wake-up calls? (Oct. 27) A viewpoint by President Diether H. Haenicke

Keizer named director of annual giving at WMU (Oct. 23) Stephen M. Keizer has been named director of annual giving in the development office.

Schmidt to be visiting scholar (Oct. 23) An expert on econometrics--the application of statistical techniques to economics--will speak at Western Michigan University Wednesday, Nov. 5, as part of its Visiting Scholars and Artists Program. Dr. Peter Schmidt, professor of economics at Michigan State University, will speak at 3:30 p.m. in Room 3508 of Knauss Hall.

Prominent Afro-musicologist to lead series sessions (Oct. 23) A nationally known Afro-musicologist will present a series of lectures and demonstrations in the Kalamazoo/Battle Creek area Monday through Friday, Nov. 3-7, as part of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation's Expert in Residence Program.

Grandparents raising grandchildren is conference topic (Oct. 21) The impact of social trends that have resulted in more than 4 million children being raised by their grandparents will be the topic of a Thursday, Oct. 30, conference in Grand Rapids as social service professionals learn the skills they need to deal with the phenomenon.

Sky Broncos capture regional title, earn berth in national event (Oct. 21) Western Michigan University's precision flying team, the Sky Broncos, captured first place in the National Intercollegiate Flying Association's regional competition Oct. 14-18 at Bowling Green State University.

Health center director to explore ethical issues (Oct. 21) The ethical responsibilities of physicians and other health care professionals working in a university setting will be the topic of a lecture Friday, Oct. 31, at Western Michigan University.

WMU poetry series writers give readings (Oct. 21) Two of the first national poets published by Western Michigan University's New Issues Press Poetry Series will read from their work at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5, in Room 3321 of Brown Hall.

Former WMU faculty member writes essays for Twain volumes (Oct. 16) A retired Western Michigan University faculty member plays an important role in a new set of works by Mark Twain published by Oxford University Press. Dr. Beverly R. (Penny) David, professor emerita of theatre, has written essays for the 29-volume set, "The Oxford Mark Twain."

World Bank official to discuss economic changes (Oct. 16) A World Bank official will discuss the ways different countries have responded to the change from planned to market economy in a lecture at Western Michigan University Wednesday, Oct. 29. Dr. Alan H. Gelb, chief economist for the Africa region at the World Bank, will speak on "The Transition from Plan to Market."

Light to explore changes facing higher education (Oct. 14) Some of the changes facing higher education in the next two decades will be explored by Dr. Timothy Light, Western Michigan University provost and vice president for academic affairs, in a seminar Wednesday, Oct. 22.

Bronco Card becomes debit card too (Oct. 14) Western Michigan University's so-called "smart" ID card just got smarter. As of Oct. 15, WMU students, faculty members and staff members can use their Bronco Card as a debit card anywhere in the United States where debit cards are accepted.

Two events mark 75th Occupational Therapy Anniversary (Oct. 14) More than 200 people, including alumni from as far away as Japan, will gather at Western Michigan University Friday and Saturday, Oct. 24-25, to mark the 75th anniversary of WMU's Department of Occupational Therapy.

WMU Homecoming weekend starts Oct. 12 (Oct. 9) Western Michigan University students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends will be treated to a world of wonders and excitement during the University's 1997 Homecoming celebration Oct. 12 through Oct. 19.

WMU will play host to symposium on matrix analysis (Oct. 9) The Western Michigan University Department of Mathematics and Statistics will sponsor its Fourth Symposium on Matrix Analysis and Applications Friday and Saturday, Oct. 24-25.

Numerical Analysis expert to be visiting scholar (Oct. 9) Dr. G.W. Stewart, a leading expert in numerical analysis, will present two lectures at Western Michigan University Thursday and Friday, Oct. 23-24, as part of its Visiting Scholars and Artists Program.

Federal Reserve official to speak Oct. 22 (Oct. 9) A member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System will present her "Perspectives on the U.S. Economy" in a lecture Wednesday, Oct. 22, at Western Michigan University.

WMU takes steps to improve teacher training in technology (Oct. 9) Western Michigan University is one of three Michigan universities leading state-funded projects to improve the technological training of future teachers.

Communication and aging is topic of talks by visiting scholars (Oct. 9) Two nationally-known scholars will describe the latest developments in helping senior citizens maintain a normal level of communication in public lectures Thursday and Friday, Oct. 23-24, at Western Michigan University.

August doctoral recipients announced (Oct. 9) Ten students received doctoral degrees from Western Michigan University at the end of the summer session in August.

WMU to offer complete MBA program at Sunway College in Malaysia (Oct. 9) For the first time in 20 years, Western Michigan University is offering students in another country the opportunity to complete a degree entirely on their home turf.

Fall issue of Third Coast Literary Journal now available (Oct. 7) The fall 1997 issue of "Third Coast," a national literary magazine published by Western Michigan University's Department of English, is now available. Edited by graduate students in the master's and doctoral English programs, "Third Coast" features the work of established and emerging writers from across the nation.

Dinner honoring Archer is Oct. 25 (Oct. 7) Western Michigan University will honor one of its own -- Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer -- and establish a scholarship in his name at a dinner Saturday, Oct. 25, in Detroit.

More than 100 local land use professionals to meet with national expert on preserving open spaces (Oct. 6,) More than 100 Kalamazoo County planners, developers, elected officials, real estate agents and others involved in community development will gather at Western Michigan University Wednesday, Oct. 15, to hear one of the nation's leading proponents of preserving open spaces.

Location changed for Hispanic Heritage Month lecture (Oct. 6) The location of the Thursday, Oct. 9, Hispanic Heritage Month lecture by Norma V. Cantu, assistant secretary for civil rights at the U.S. Department of Education, has been changed from the Kirsch Auditorium of the Fetzer Center to Shaw Theatre at Western Michigan University.

WMU granted Phi Beta Kappa chapter (Oct. 3) Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest and most widely recognized academic honor society in the country, has granted a charter to the Phi Beta Kappa faculty at Western Michigan University.

Noted Indian muscian to perform (Oct. 2) A renowned Indian artist will perform at Western Michigan University Friday and Saturday, Oct. 10-11. Ustad Asad Ali Khan, who plays the rudra veena, the oldest classical instrument of India, will present a concert at 3 p.m. Saturday in the Dalton Center Recital Hall.

16th annual Peace Week set for Oct. 4-11 (Oct. 2) Father Peter Dougherty, coordinator of the Michigan Faith and Resistance Peace Team, will give the keynote address during the 16th annual Peace Week at Western Michigan University Oct. 4-11. He also will present a workshop on nonviolent direct action during the week.

Scholars to discuss dramatic economic changes (Oct. 2) The first of six scholars who will present their views this year on the dramatic economic changes sweeping through Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and China will speak at Western Michigan University Wednesday, Oct. 15.

Haenicke to conduct open office hours Oct. 14 (Oct. 2) Western Michigan University President Diether H. Haenicke will conduct open office hours from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14, to provide students, faculty and staff members with the opportunity to stop by and visit with him on any topic of concern.

Seven more named to Presidential Search Advisory Committee (Oct. 1) Seven additional persons have been named to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee at Western Michigan University. Richard G. Haworth, committee chair, also announced that the committee will conduct a public session on Thursday, Oct. 9, in the Kirsch Auditorium of the Fetzer Center to receive input from the University and local community.

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