WMU News

Fall issue of Third Coast available

November 3, 1998

KALAMAZOO -- An interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning poet William S. Merwin and other literary gems including poems and short fiction are now available in the fall issue of Third Coast, the literary magazine published by Western Michigan University's Department of English.

Featuring work of established and emerging writers from around the country, the biannual, soft-cover journal is edited by graduate students in WMU's master's and doctoral English programs.

This issue of Third Coast features eight short stories, poems by 17 writers and the interview conducted with Merwin. Among the writers featured are Richard Jackson, Allan Peterson, Richard Robbins and Scott Withiam. Jackson, a Fulbright exchange poet to Yugoslavia, has written several books and won four Pushcart Prizes. Merwin, whose "The Carrier of Ladders" was the 1971 Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry, is interviewed by Anne Moore Odell and Pablo Pescheria.

The cover art, "Full Circle Series," is by retired WMU faculty member Paul Robbert. His work has been exhibited throughout the world and is included in the collections of The Upjohn Institute, Albion College, Michigan State University, the Boston Museum and the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts.

Third Coast's editorial board is made up of graduate students in the department's creative writing program. Faculty members serve as advisory editors. Invitations to submit are included in each issue and manuscripts are welcomed throughout the year.

Third Coast costs $6 per issue and is available in Kalamazoo bookstores and cafes including Athena Book Shop, Michigan News and John Rollins Books. Subscriptions are also available. For more information, call the magazine's office at (616) 387-2675.

Media contact: Marie Lee, 616 387-8400, marie.lee@wmich.edu

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