WMU News

WMU open house for prospective students March 20

March 18, 1999

KALAMAZOO--An open house where high school and community college students can do everything from tour the Student Recreation Center to visit a residence hall is scheduled for Saturday, March 20, at Western Michigan University.

"Gold Pride Preview," WMU's largest on-campus recruitment event, is expected to draw between 2,000 and 3,000 students and their parents to Schneider Hall.

High school juniors and seniors and community college transfer students admitted to WMU have been invited. WMU is focusing in particular on juniors, since many are already in the process of making the decision about where to attend college.

"Previously, students didn't think seriously about college until they were seniors," said Jeorge Fierro, assistant director of admissions and coordinator of the event. "Now, they're thinking about these decisions during their junior year. Research indicates that they may not have decided exactly where they're going to college by the end of their junior year, but they have decided where they're applying by that time."

The seniors and transfer students have been invited so they have a chance to become more familiar with campus before summer orientation.

Registration for the event will run from 9 to 9:30 a.m. Beginning at 9:30 a.m., participants will be able to acquaint themselves with WMU's academic programs and student services by attending four 30-minute informational sessions. Each of WMU's academic colleges will be represented as well as many other offices, including financial aid, admissions, residence halls, student life and academic support programs.

From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., students and their parents will be able to tour such facilities as academic buildings, health and human services clinics, laboratories, performing arts venues, the Student Recreation Center, Waldo Library, residence halls and, if they drive themselves, the aviation complex in Battle Creek.

"The format is designed to give students and parents a better feel for what WMU has to offer by actually going out to the facilities that house those programs and talking with WMU students and faculty members," said Fierro. "All the students need to do is plan out their day to experience as much as they want."

In addition to participating in "Gold Pride Preview," students interested in WMU may tour the campus Mondays through Thursdays and on selected Fridays and Saturdays. They also may attend a fall on-site admissions program, which allows those bringing their transcripts and completed applications to find out the same day whether or not they have been admitted.

For more information, persons may contact Fierro in the Office of Admissions and Orientation at (616) 387-2000.

Media contact: Jeanne Baron, 616 387-8400, jeanne.baron@wmich.edu

Office of University Relations
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5433 USA
616 387-8400
