Joe B. Freeman (June 30) Former associate director of news services, died June 21. Lois L. Hamlin (June 30) Associate professor emerita of occupational therapy died April 23. Mildred M. Winslow (June 30) Assistant professor emerita of education and professional development died April 29. Faculty promotions approved by trustees (June 30) Seventeen promoted to full professor among 45 promotions announced. Trustees approve faculty and staff retirements (June 30) Twelve retirements approved and seven resignations accepted by trustees. WMU offices closed July 4 (June 29) Offices open as usual on Monday, July 3. Sabbatical, professional development leaves approved (June 29) Leaves approved for 10 faculty and staff. Trustees approve general fund budget (June 29) Final 1999-2000 budget set at $229.19 million. Thirty faculty members granted tenure (June 28) Complete list of faculty granted tenture effective 2000-01 academic year. Trustees authorize roadway easement (June 27) Improvements to roads bordering new engineering and research complex. WMU aviators return today from Air Race Classic (June 26) Jennifer Richard and Jo-Elle Warner pair for WMU's first entry. New Miller director, other appointments announced (June 26) William Biddle directs Miller Auditorium, Reish is interim library dean. Trustees approve new policy for senior officials (June 26) New policy replaces decade-old employment rules for top officials. WMU women aviators complete 2,000-mile air race (June 25) Competition results to be announced late Sunday. WMU closes in on record year for private gifts (June 25) Previous record surpassed with one month remaining in fiscal year. More than $5.5 million in grants received in April, May (June 25) Fiscal-year total exceeds $39.6 million with June still to be counted. Bud Bender named vice president for development (June 23) Associate vice president promoted following national search. Trustees approve 3.8 percent increase in tuition and fees (June 23) Increases effective with the start of fall semester. Design student takes second in statewide competition (June 22) April '00 grad Katrina Liechty wins interior design award. Undergraduate researchers honored at McNair luncheon (June 22) Fifteen undergraduate scholars recognized at June 27 program. Web developer offers tips on how to get your business online (June 22) Women's Business Development Center workshop is July 6. Trustees meet Friday to consider tuition rates (June 22) Fall tuition rates top agenda of June 23 trustee meeting. Foreign educators learn more about America in Kalamazoo (June 21) Six-week Fulbright Summer Institute begins July 1. Program aimed at finding research funding (June 21) Nine graduate students chosen to participate in new "GOLD" program. Doctoral grad and faculty member given dissertation prize (June 21) Debra Lindstrom Hazel awarded Fisher Dissertation Prize. Four receive Staff Service Excellence awards (June 19) Gard, Kiel, Kuss and Roland recognized for exceptional contributions. WMU is open for business July 3 (June 19) University is closed Tuesday, July 4, in honor of Independence Day. Rooms needed this fall for international students (June 19) CELCIS seeks rooms for students coming to WMU to study English. Dance's Lindsey Thomas wins international award (June 16) Choreography recognized at competition in Czech Republic. Donna R. vanWestrienen (June 15) Former assistant professor of consumer resources and technology died May 30. Bronco Jeff Brink is Academic All-American (June 15) Senior men's tennis standout is two-time GTE Academic All-American. June 28 farewell event for Andrew Rivers (June 15) Executive assistant to the president leaving WMU to pursue doctorate. Weber feted at June 29 reception (June 15) Manager of payroll to retire after 34 years service to WMU. Nearly 1,500 degrees to be conferred June 24 (June 14) Ceremonies are at 9 and 11:30 a.m. in Miller Auditorium. WMU women aviators compete in classic cross-country race (June 14) All-women's cross-country air race dates back to 1929. Popular time management techniques won't work for all (June 14) WMU's Lindquist studies time management styles. WMU antitrust expert praises judge in Microsoft case (June 13) Norman Hawker says antitrust law required a breakup of Microsoft. Gary Fund surpasses record goal (June 13) More than $650,000 raised to support student-athletes and 20 varsity sports. Forty-five students earn Presidential Scholarships (June 13) WMU's highest honor for seniors. Accounting department announces scholarship recipients (June 13) Complete list of scholarship recipients. Foreign languages and literatures students receive awards (June 13) Fifty-six students receive awards totaling $43,000. KCC, WMU debut part-time elementary education program (June 12) Kellogg Community College partners with WMU. Careers in aviation is focus of summer camp (June 12) Teens from as far away as Texas come for one-week camp, June 18-23. Vriesenga drafted by St. Louis Cardinals (June 9) Senior pitcher taken in 37th round of Major League Baseball draft. Broncos finish high in MAC all-sports standings (June 9) Women finish third, men are fifth in 13-team conference. WMU professor's research featured on History Channel (June 8) Program on famous African American vacation resort airs June 9 and 10. April 2000 doctoral recipients announced (June 7) Complete list of doctoral degree recipients, disciplines, dissertation titles. Massive 737-type simulator set for installation (June 6) Frasca 737-400 flight simulator installed at College of Aviation. Admissions and orientation office receives regional award (June 6) T-shirt design earns recognition from professional group. Summer orientation leaders announced (June 6) Complete list of WMU students serving as 2000 orientation leaders. Three students serve as orientation coordinators (June 6) "Driving in New Directions" is theme for summer 2000 orientation. PSSO announces staff scholarship winner (June 2) Vicky Meinema receives $250 award for spring semester. Fish for All exhibit lands at MSU Museum (June 2) History of Lake Michigan fisheries exhibit in East Lansing beginning June 11. WMU hosts international technology conference in Chicago (June 2) IEEE Conference is June 8-11 at Chicago Marriott O'Hare. Presidential Scholar wins internship with German Parliament (June 2) Aaron Boesenecker is one of three U.S. students selected. Nearly 4,500 freshmen to attend summer orientation (June 2) Thirteen two-day sessions between June 5 and July 25. 'Alice in K'zooland' looks at Carroll's math (June 1) Free performance is Tuesday, June 6, in Kirsch Auditorium. June 23 reception to honor Timothy Light (June 1) Light returns to faculty after four years as WMU's provost. Faculty Senate's new leadership team takes over (June 1) Ralph Tanner and Thomas Amos are president and vice president. |
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