WMU News

Speakers announced for Keystone business series

Jan. 18, 2001

KALAMAZOO -- Western Michigan University and Keystone Community Bank have announced their business breakfast series speakers for the winter semester.

The Keystone Community Bank Breakfast Series at the Haworth College of Business features WMU faculty and alumni speaking about their research and teaching on a variety of timely business issues. The company formed the partnership in August 2000 to offer monthly presentations, which are free and open to the public.

Presentations take place from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. on the WMU campus in the Dean's Conference Room in Schneider Hall. Dates, topics and speakers for the 2001 winter semester include:

Friday, Jan. 26, "Is There Fraud in Your Company?" Dr. Pat Forrest, associate professor accountancy. Forrest's research interests include forensic (or fraud) accounting.

Friday, Feb. 23, "They Call It Coaching, But It's Really Teaching: Sideline Lessons for the Classroom, the Locker Room and the Board Room," Dr. Ed Mayo, professor of marketing. Mayo teaches sports marketing and leadership, and this talk is based on his research on the leadership styles of successful athletic coaches.

Friday, March 30, "The Impact of Internet Chat Rooms and Message Boards on Share Prices," Dr. Anthony J. Cataldo, assistant professor of accountancy. Cataldo is frequently quoted in such national publications as the Wall Street Journal on the relationship between financial information and stock prices.

Friday, April 27, "Managing Global Assignments: Keys to Executive Success," Jennifer Palthe, assistant professor of management. A former consultant with Anderson Consulting, now known as Accenture, Palthe has worked on change management issues in Europe and Africa. In her talk, she will reveal the success factors she found among 200 expatriate managers.

To reserve a seat, contact the Haworth College of Business dean's office at (616) 387-5050.

Media contact: Jessica English, 616 387-8400, jessica.english@wmich.edu

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