Hardy Carroll (July 30) Professor emeritus in library science died June 27. Kenneth F. Kennedy (July 30) Associate professor of finance and commercial law died July 21. Announcements pave way for BTR growth (July 27) MEDC grant and new private-sector partner Esperion announcements build momentum for BTR Park. Sunseeker finishes 23rd in longest solar race ever (July 26) WMU team completes 2,300-mile race in fifth place among nine 'stock class' cars. Small business ownership an equalizer for women (July 25) An article by Haworth College of Business associate dean Trudy Verser from MiBiz Southwest. High-achieving students honored at Platinum Awards (July 25) Seven students receive named scholarships, leadership awards at 2001 ceremony. Sunseeker ready for final day of race (July 25) Cars depart for Claremont, Calif., finish line beginning at 9 a.m. PDT (noon Eastern Time) today. Two classic WWII planes will visit Battle Creek (July 24) College of Aviation will host B-17 and B-24 bombers through Aug. 1, tours available. Anonymous gift funds new engineering design center (July 24) $1 million gift to establish new center in College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. New family studies major stresses child development (July 24) New program is 2+2 cooperative venture with three area community colleges. Center offers mini-expo for women in business (July 24) WBDC sponsors Women in Business Mini-Expo in downtown Kalamazoo Aug. 2. First class of Singapore MBA program graduates (July 24) Twenty students receive degrees after 15 months of intensive study in WMU program. Target selected as 'Employer of the Year' (July 24) Target Corp. chosen by Career & Student Employment Services as 2000-01 top employer. New Bronco Cards available Aug. 28 (July 24) Redesigned cards for all first-time WMU students available beginning Aug. 28 at Bernhard Center. WMU team prepares for final day of Solar Challenge (July 24) Sunseeker in third place among nine stock-class cars in race. Sunseeker in California for race's final two days (July 23) Electrical problems repaired, WMU solar race team crosses California border Sunday. Sunseeker in Arizona on seventh day of race (July 22) Solar car drawing more power than expected, race team works Saturday night to correct problem. Sunseeker passes 1,400-mile mark in solar race (July 21) WMU team concludes Day Six of 2,300-mile race in Moriarity, N.M. Sunseeker crosses Texas, moves up in race standings (July 20) Solar race team in Amarillo, Texas, moves up two places to 23rd during fifth day of racing. Acclaimed Australian comedy is August film offering (July 19) Kalamazoo Film Society presents "The Dish," Aug. 10-12, in the Little Theatre. Sunseeker in 25th place crossing Oklahoma (July 19) WMU solar race team stops in El Reno, Okla., trails Northwestern team by 12 minutes in cross-country race. Sunseeker in Oklahoma, two cars out of solar race (July 18) WMU solar car less than 100 miles from Tulsa, 28 cars remain after third day of solar racing. Campus community invited to Cabaret Show (July 17) Special performance of Summer Orientation Cabaret Show for campus community is Friday at 3 p.m. Doctoral student spends year teaching at Thai university (July 17) Comparative religion doctoral candidate D. Jason Slone to spend year in Thailand. Friesner gets teaching award (July 17) WMU English instructor recognized during United States Presidential Scholars Program in Washington, D.C. Sunseeker in Missouri as third day of race begins (July 17) Hazy sun and high spirits mark second day on the road for WMU solar racing team. Sunseeker falls behind in first day of solar racing (July 16) WMU's solar car must reach checkpoint in Rolla, Mo., by tonight. Solar teams complete WMU qualifying event (July 14) Thirty teams qualify for American Solar Challenge, race begins Sunday in Chicago, updates on Web. WMU students set for cross-country solar race (July 13) WMU car qualifies, global positioning satellite used to track cars throughout race, updates on Web. Exhibit explores French, Native American relations (July 13) Eleven WMU students develop plan for museum exhibit. Shirley Van Hoeven receives lifetime teaching award (July 13) National Communication Association teaching excellence award goes to WMU emerita. Digital stories on display this afternoon (July 13) First-ever digital storytelling institute displays work at 3 p.m. July 13 on the 10th floor of Sprau Tower. Solar race kick-off dinner draws dignitaries (July 13) More than 600 attend solar race dinner, including federal officials, area legislators and other dignitaries. New Web site puts faculty expertise online (July 13) Web site is searchable by keyword, by category or academic discipline, and by name of faculty expert. Trustees give nod to changes in residency policy (July 12) Affects who pays in-state versus out-of-state tuition. WMU awarded $3.6 million in grants during May (July 12) WMU gets $1 million award from the National Science Foundation. Promotions announced for 63 faculty members (July 12) Complete list of faculty members and new faculty rank. Tenture approved for 36 faculty members (July 12) Complete list of faculty members receiving tenure. Trustees OK retirements (July 12) One faculty member and four staff members to retire. Faculty Senate amendments approved (July 12) University trustees approve amendments to Faculty Senate constitution. Associate dean and other appointments announced (July 12) Two department chairs and academic program director named. WMU gets record $18.4 million in private gifts (July 6) New records in cash gifts and total gifts set for second consecutive year. Trustees approve University-community partnerships (July 6) WMU joins Kalamazoo County Health Plan Corp. and Calhoun Area Millennium Partnership. Communications, salon and Subway leases approved (July 6) Trustees authorize three leases of University property. Estimated budget of $241.5 million approved (July 6) Board of Trustees approves estimated 2001-02 general fund operating budget. Tuition and fees increase $200 per semester (July 6) Reduced state revenues and increased operating costs lead to increase in tuition and fees. Trustees OK changes to vehicle registration rates (July 6) Rates for full-time students increase from $175 to $225 for the 2001-02 year. Room and board, rental rate changes approved (July 6) Increase averages 8.8 percent for room and board and 6 percent for apartment rental rates. Pilot training program makes front-page news (July 5) New WMU-Delta Airlines pilot training program featured in today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Trustees meet to consider finance items, tuition rates (July 5) Trustees expected to tackle finance issues at July 6 meeting. WMU offices closed for U.S. Independence Day (July 3) All offices except essential services closed July 4. Offices open the remainder of holiday week. WMU graduate named foster care supervisor (July 3) Catholic Social Services of Muskegon appoints M.S.W. graduate Amy S. Miller to supervisor post. Sunseeker team readies car for grueling race (July 2) Grueling 2,300-mile solar car race begins July 15 in Chicago follows famed Route 66 to California. WMU-trained pilots take top honors in London ceremony (July 2) WMU-trained British Airways pilots take three out of four major awards. WMU hydrologist gets federal research associateship (July 2) Chansheng He, associate professor of geography, to study Great Lakes watershed at NOAA Lab. How to market a business through the media (July 2) Workshop at WMU Kendall Center in Battle Creek is Monday evening, July 9. KFS July feature is 'The Gleaners and I' (July 2) French-language film by Agnes Varda screens July 13-15 in the Little Theatre. Broncos are 'too fast' in Air Race Classic (July 1) WMU finishes first, but places a disappointing 30th because of handicap given their speedy airplane. |
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