September 2003 WMU News Archive
Stories are listed in descending order by release date, beginning
with the most recent. Click on the headline for the full story.
Fortepianist Malcolm Bilson performs
in Dalton (Sept. 30) One of the world's most respected
interpreters of classical piano works performs and lectures at
WMU Oct. 2-3.
Poet Sydney Lea comes to campus
for reading (Sept. 29) Gwen Frostic Reading Series continues
Thursday, Oct. 2, with founder and editor of the New England
Hal Bate earns award from SHHH
(Sept. 29) Professor of speech pathology and audiology receives
2003 Professional Advisory Support Award at SHHH international
Klass and Joyce get paper patent
(Sept. 29) Patent covers new manufacturing technology, which
improves the quality and affordability of coated ink jet and
digital imaging papers.
Itzhak Perlman returns to Miller
Auditorium (Sept. 29) Internationally acclaimed violinist
returns to Kalamazoo for the first time in six years for a single
performance Oct. 1.
Ballet Gran Folklorico de Mexico
comes to WMU (Sept. 29) Ballet features swirling dancers,
passionate songs on a dazzling journey covering 1,000 years of
Mexican heritage, Oct. 4.
Volunteers needed for Homecoming
Campus Classic (Sept. 26) Annual 5K run/walk draws upward
of 1,500 participants, volunteers receive free race shirt, brunch
and chance to win prizes.
Latin American author to lecture
on campus (Sept. 26) Noted El Salvadorian author and
playwright Mario Bencastro delivers free public lecture and reading
Oct. 6.
Dispelling ecological myths about
Native Americans (Sept. 26) Brown University's Dr. Shepard
Krech III dispels stereotype of Native Americans as country's
first environmentalists.
Guest lecturer looks at the future
of travel and leisure (Sept. 26) AAA executive Jim McDowell
talks about "Travel Into An Uncertain Future," part
of Centennial Scholar and Artist Series, Oct. 3.
Drama reveals Women of War
(Sept. 25) University Theatre presents adaptation of Euripides
classic, "Women of Troy...Women of War," for seven
performances, Sept. 25-28, Oct. 2-4.
Former president returns to campus
for book signing (Sept. 25) President Emeritus Haenicke
on campus Oct. 8 to sign copies of his new book "Wednesdays
with Diether."
Student selected for Pan-American
research institute (Sept. 24) Doctoral candidate Pedro
Gonzalez travels to Brazil in October to present two research
proposals at Pan-American materials institute.
Scholar talks about communication
in city planning (Sept. 24) Nebraska's Dr. Kathleen Crone
comes to WMU Oct. 3 as part of Visiting Scholars and Artists
Ground water experts to gather
at WMU (Sept. 24) Leading experts from 13 states converge
at Fetzer Center for Oct. 1-3 Midwest Ground Water Conference.
Scientists discuss amazing abilities
of bacteria (Sept. 24) American Society of Microbiology
conference, "Life in Extreme Environments," is Oct.
4 at Fetzer Center.
WMU centennial celebrated in fabric
by area quilters (Sept. 23) Kalamazoo-area quilters salute
WMU's 100th anniversary with Sept. 28-30 exhibition of centennial-theme
Plans announced for 2004 MLK celebration
(Sept. 23) WMU and Northside Ministerial Alliance bring Dr. Michael
Eric Dyson to Kalamazoo for Jan. 11, 2004, keynote address.
Work officially begins on centennial
Habitat house (Sept. 22) WMU and Habitat for Humanity
officially begin work on student-initiated Habitat house Sept.
Engineering job fair at Parkview
Campus (Sept. 22) About 45 companies with job and internship
opportunities represented Thursday, Sept 25, at Engineering Opportunity
Physics department upgrades research
capabilities (Sept. 18) National Science Foundation grant
provides for upgrade of WMU's 90,000-pound Tandem Van de Graaff
particle accelerator.
Rice University president opens
economics lecture series (Sept. 18) Rice University's
Dr. Malcolm Gillis kicks off the Werner Sichel Lecture-Seminar
Series with Sept. 24 talk.
Hearing loss provides subject matter
for visiting artist (Sept. 18) Joseph Grigley, School
of the Art Institute of Chicago, comes to WMU for a slide-lecture
of his work Sept. 25.
Keystone series kicks off with
Bermo president (Sept. 18) Ed Bernard presents "Only
in America--And Only in Kalamazoo" Sept. 26 as part of business
breakfast series.
WMU and its faculty reach tentative
agreement (Sept. 18) Changes to existing contract must
still be approved by vote of the faculty and WMU Board of Trustees.
Inductees chosen for Athletic
Hall of Fame's 20th anniversary (Sept. 17) Six former
student-athletes representing six different varsity sports will
be inducted Nov. 14.
LBGT fall welcome celebration is
Friday (Sept. 16) Communitywide celebration sponsored
by Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender Student Services is
Friday, Sept. 19, in the Wesley Foundation.
Fall enrollment is second highest
ever (Sept. 14) Fall 2003 enrollment of 29,178 is slightly
below 2002 record, graduate student enrollment reaches all-time
high, more than 700 doctoral candidates enrolled.
Research and program grants in
2002-03 exceed $32 million (Sept. 14) Year-end total
of $32.9 million includes more than $1.9 million awarded in June.
Gift total to WMU for 2002-03 tops
$19.4 million (Sept. 14) Past four years have seen the
four largest one-year gift totals in WMU history.
Trustees approve appointments,
retirements, resignations (Sept. 14) Bass named interim
chair in dance, appointments of Powell and Rosine confirmed,
other personnel changes approved.
Trustees clear path for state funding
of HHS building (Sept. 14) Procedural items approved,
opening door for state funds for College of Health and Human
Services building construction.
Opera star Susan B. Anthony to
receive honorary degree (Sept. 12) Distinguished alumna
and internationally recognized singer to receive honorary doctor
of fine arts degree.
Alumna and opera star gives rare
U.S. performances (Sept. 12) Susan B. Anthony gives two
performances, a master class and lectures during her residency
Oct. 2-11 at her alma mater.
Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist
talks about power of images (Sept. 12) Art Spiegelman
is first speaker in Centennial Scholar and Artist Series Sept.
Centennial Lecture Series on Globalization
starts Sept. 24 (Sept. 12) Monthly lectures continue
through March at WMU-Grand Rapids' Graduate Center-Downtown.
New Issues releasing four poetry
collections (Sept. 12) Collections by John Rybicki, Gail
Martin, Brian Henry and Ruth Ellen Kocher released this fall
by New Issues Press.
Community invited to study abroad
fair (Sept. 11) Study Abroad Fair is free and open to
the public Wednesday, Sept. 17, South Ballroom, Bernhard Center.
Tuesday is deadline for Black Alumni
Reunion registration (Sept. 11) Second Black Alumni Reunion
is Sept. 18-21. Registration by Tuesday, Sept. 16, is required.
WFS presents area debut of "Whale
Rider" (Sept. 11) Sundance Film Festival award winner
comes to Little Theatre for six screenings Sept. 19-21.
DaXun Zhang opens Young Concert
Artists Series (Sept. 11) Zhang is first double bassist
selected for Young Concert Artists Series, performs Sept. 23
at Dalton Center.
Trustees meet Sept. 12 at innovation
center (Sept. 11) Board of Trustees meets Friday at Southwest
Michigan Innovation Center on Parkview Campus.
Jazz singer Curtis Stigers comes
to Dalton Center (Sept. 10) Touring with Stigers and
performing in the Monday, Sept. 15, concert is WMU music alumnus
Keith Hall.
Campus community to observe moment
of silence (Sept. 10) President Bailey endorses WSA resolution
calling for campuswide moment of silence at 9:11 a.m. Thursday,
Sept. 11.
Panel examines U.S. foreign policy
since 9.11 (Sept. 10) "The Bush Administration's
Response Since 9.11" discussed as part of Thursday's second
anniversary observance.
Program of remembrance will be
held in library (Sept. 9) University Libraries faculty
and staff will conduct a program of remembrance for Sept. 11
victims and their families.
Candlelight procession concludes
9.11 activities (Sept. 9) Student organizations sponsor
second annual candlelight procession across center of campus
in remembrance of Sept. 11 victims and families.
Alpha Omega sponsors prayer vigil
for 9.11 (Sept. 9) Vigil and remembrance for the families
of victims of Sept. 11 terrorist attacks is Thursday evening
near Kruglak Sundial.
Second edition of undergraduate
journal debuts (Sept. 9) Second edition of The Laureate,
WMU's only undergraduate literary journal, debuts with readings
Friday at Lee Honors College.
Gambino named to Spartan Stores
board (Sept. 9) Director of WMU's Food Marketing Program
Frank Gambino elected to the board of directors of Spartan Stores
Women's basketball team takes
on national champs (Sept. 8) Schedule for 2003-04 released,
includes contests versus Michigan, North Carolina, Purdue and
defending national champion UConn.
Men's basketball team opens at
home versus USC (Sept. 8) New coach Steve Hawkins debuts
at home versus Southern Cal, 2003-04 campaign includes tough
non-conference schedule.
Baseball's Fred Decker to retire
after 2004 season (Sept. 6) In 28 seasons as head baseball
coach, Decker compiles 770 wins, most ever by any coach in any
sport in school history.
Engineering building set for Sept.
12 dedication (Sept. 6) New 343,000-square-foot facility
on Parkview Campus is WMU's largest building, serves 3,000 engineering
Renowned environmentalist to speak
on campus (Sept. 6) Oberlin's Dr. David Orr gives free
lecture in Schneider Hall Thursday evening, Sept. 11.
Grant awarded to enhance court
database (Sept. 5) Political science's Ashlyn Kuersten
awarded part of NSF grant to enhance database of decisions made
by U.S. Court of Appeals.
Dona G. Icabone named ombudsman
(Sept. 5) Associate professor of educational studies leaves teaching
duties for new role in 27-year career at WMU.
New resources available for custodial
grandparents (Sept. 5) Faculty experts Dannison and Smith
create new set of guidebooks, videotapes for grandparents assuming
roles as parents to their grandchildren.
Bailey defines her values in inaugural
address (Sept. 4) Judith I. Bailey officially inaugurated
as the seventh president of Western Michigan University as part
of centennial celebration gala.
Inauguration and centennial gala
on television (Sept. 4) Centennial Gala and inauguration
of President Bailey air on WMU EduCable and Community Access
cable television Friday and Monday.
Metro Transit bus schedules available
on the Web (Sept. 3) Maps and schedules of all routes,
including the new Parkview Campus, available as PDF files through
Metro Transit Web site.
WMU's Khillah defeated at World
University Games (Sept. 3) Taekwondo coach Amir Khillah,
drops close first-round match at World University Games in South
Fifties musical "Grease"
comes to Miller Auditorium (Sept. 3) Hot new production
of popular musical comes to WMU for five performances Sept. 26-28,
with guest star Frankie Avalon.
KIA and Sangren exhibits feature
WMU print collection (Sept. 2) "Progress Proof"
highlights best of WMU's print collection in concurrent Sangren
and KIA exhibits through Oct. 12.
President Bailey to dedicate replica
of historic trolley (Sept. 1) Full-scale replica of famous
campus landmark built by four engineering students dedicated
Sept. 5 as part of centennial celebration.
Panel addresses lasting impact
of Sept. 11 (Sept. 1) Lee Honors College assembles panel
of experts for discussion on the second anniversary of the 2001
terrorist attacks.