WMU News

July 2004 WMU News Archive
Stories are listed in descending order by release date, beginning with the most recent. Click on the headline for the full story.

Wiener gets national award for work in rehabilitation (July 28) Dr. William Wiener earns prestigious lifetime achievement award for service to blind and visually impaired.

Ginsberg named associate vice president for research (July 28) Longtime researcher and administrator Dr. Leonard Ginsberg is new associate vice president for research.

Robotic arm helps children with handwriting (July 28) Research team of professors and students designs robotic device to help children develop crucial handwriting skills.

Four staff members earn service excellence awards (July 28) Staff Service Excellence Awards for 2004 go to Jose Cardoza, Betsy Drummer, Linda Ickes, Blaine Kalafut.

Candidates sought for Asylum Lake Council (July 28) Three positions on the new governing council are open to interested WMU faculty, staff, emeriti and retirees.

Ardith B. Embs (July 28) Assistant professor emerita of librarianship died July 6.

Vocal jazz students give free evening performances (July 22) Participants from Zegree Vocal Jazz Camp perform Aug. 2-6 at Union Cabaret and Dalton Center.

Telehealth project gets $500,000 federal grant (July 22) College of Health and Human Services developing cutting-edge health care communication technology.

WMU Alumni Association selects leadership (July 22) Anitta Rutherford Orr '66 elected president, 12 others chosen for 2004-05 leadership roles.

Latest findings from Fort St. Joseph unveiled (July 19) Public invited to on-site open house Tuesday, July 27, at 18th century French fort in Niles, Mich.

Engineering firm opens R&D center at BTR Park (July 19) SPX CONTECH will have 3,000 square-foot R&D center in Pro Line Tech Building later this summer.

Miss Michigan builds on studies at WMU (July 19) New Miss Michigan Kelli Talicska builds her platform on WMU studies in speech pathology.

WMUK benefits from used-car donations (July 19) Donors can now support WMUK through Tom and Ray's "Car Talk" vehicle donation program.

U.S., U.K. differ on approach to keeping couples together (July 16) Research by Dr. Karen Blaisure shows British policies are more inclusive than U.S. efforts.

Rep. Fred Upton speaks to doctoral students (July 16) Upton addresses current health care issues with students in interdisciplinary health studies doctoral program.

Three disabled British citizens take to the skies (July 13) Latest recipients of scholarship named for famed Royal Air Force flying ace learn to fly at WMU.

Choral and brass music performed for Sunday service (July 13) High school musicians from WMU's summer music camp perform July 18 at Cathedral Church of Christ the King.

Mary E. Burns (July 13) Professor emerita of social work died Feb. 25.

School of Music presents 'Priceless' evening concerts (July 8) Free Dalton Center concerts, July 12-19, feature Pacifica Quartet, NeXus, Monica Griffin, Susan Musselman, Joe Miller, Carl Ratner.

School of Music camp draws top high school musicians (July 8) Seminar 2004 brings 130 students from four states to summer music camp, features five free public performances.

Haenicke honored for community service (July 8) WMU President Emeritus Diether Haenicke receives Rotary's 2004 Red Rose Citation for outstanding community service.

Kalamazoo among six cities for Genetic Town Hall (July 6) Fetzer Center is site for free, public opportunity to learn more about and express opinions on reproductive genetic technologies.

Senior receives prestigious engineering scholarship (July 6) Amy Conine is one of only 40 students in the country to be named a Tau Beta Pi Scholar.

Reservations due for Bronco Golf Outing (July 6) Reservations due by Monday, July 12, for 48th annual Bronco Golf Outing at Pine View Golf Club.

Gifts to WMU approach record total (July 2) Second largest one-year gift total in school history anticipated when books are closed on 2003-04 university year.

Grant total surpasses $38 million (July 2) Several major grants announced, help raise fiscal-year-to-date total for 2003-04 to more than $38 million.

Name change for communication program announced (July 2) Department of Communication becomes the School of Communication to recognize diversity of offerings.

Trustees approve recent personnel changes (July 2) Four new or interim department chairs announced, several previously announced changes endorsed.

Trustees approve new majors, other academic changes (July 2) New electronic business design major is among additions and changes announced.

Business Court is latest road closing (July 2) Business Court from Rankin Avenue to Schneider Hall closed in phases July 6-16 for resurfacing.

WMU offices closed July 5 for Independence Day (July 1) Holiday weekend hours for recreation center, computer labs and selected other offices and services.

Workshop focuses on K-12 handheld computing (July 1) Registration due by July 28 for August workshop on using handheld computers in K-12 classrooms.

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