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February 2006 WMU News Archive
Stories are listed in descending order by release date. Click on the headline for the full story.

Herbert D. Warren (Feb. 27) Associate professor emeritus of chemistry died Feb. 10.

James P. Zietlow (Feb. 27) Professor emeritus of physics died Feb. 12.

Jennifer Holliday joins KSO Pops at Miller (Feb. 25) Pops, Holliday and Kalamazoo's GospelFest Choir in single performance Saturday, March 4, at Miller Auditorium.

Bailey urges legislators to invest in education (Feb. 24) Four university presidents testify before Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education.

Bailey supports rigor in high school curriculum (Feb. 23) At state Senate hearing, President Bailey endorses tough new high school graduation requirements.

Blind athletes compete at WMU (Feb. 23) Nation's top goalball teams compete Saturday and Sunday at Student Recreation Center; volunteers needed to help with event.

Symposium attracts Arabic scholars from around world (Feb. 23) 20th annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics is March 3-5 in the Bernhard Center.

Registration due Friday for equity conference (Feb. 21) Annual conference on "EQUITY in the Classroom" is March 19-21 in Lansing. Registration required by Friday, Feb. 24.

Scholar describes secret society of women writers (Feb. 20) Dr. Clifford Siskin of Columbia University makes presentations in Sprau Tower Wednesday evening, Thursday morning.

Physical therapy offered at West Hills Athletic Club (Feb. 20) WMU Sports Medicine Clinic offering physical therapy services to members of West Hills Athletic Club.

Tuesday forum addresses "Climate Change" (Feb. 18) Phi Kappa Phi Winter Forum features Drs. Steven Bertman and David Karowe Tuesday afternoon at Lee Honors College.

Yoshida garners Abe Fellowship (Feb. 18) History department's Dr. Takashi Yoshida will take one-year leave to conduct research in Japan, China, Korea and United States.

Nursing's Thompson receives honorary degree (Feb. 18) Dr. Joyce Thompson honored for contributions to field of midwifery with degree from Scotland's University of Dundee.

Brown-bag lunch program explains pharmacy benefits (Feb. 18) WMU benefits-eligible employees invited to Thursday presentation by Sindecuse Chief Pharmacist Bill Green.

Graduate College moves West Campus offices (Feb. 18) Grad recruitment and retention moves to Welborn. Other Graduate College offices and GSAC remain in Walwood.

Arnold M. Gallegos (Feb. 18) Professor emeritus and former education dean died Nov. 26, 2005.

Staff award nominations due (Feb. 18) Nominations due by Feb. 28 for spring round of semiannual Make a Difference staff awards.

Broncos win Blood Challenge with CMU (Feb. 17) Thirteen student-organized blood drives in January and February collect 665 pints of blood for American Red Cross.

Feffer play opens free series at Whole Art Theatre (Feb. 17) Steve Feffer's "Mr. Rebbetzin" opens Playwrights in Process series Thursday in downtown Kalamazoo.

How to find out if WMU is closed (Feb. 17) Always assume the University is open unless notified otherwise. Closings will be announced immediately in WMU News.

Air Zoo official next in Keystone Speaker series (Feb. 16) Air Zoo's Wayne Kruger speaks at Feb. 24 business breakfast at Haworth College of Business.

WMU joins 90 other schools in recycling competition (Feb. 16) Recycle Mania, national recycling competition, continues through April. Campus community urged to pitch in!

Seven initiatives funded through President's Innovation Fund (Feb. 15) President Bailey announces "truly transformational" projects receiving between $26,000 and $400,000.

WFS presents Elijah Wood in "Everything is Illuminated" (Feb. 15) Western Film Society presents directorial debut of actor Liev Schrieber Friday through Sunday in Little Theatre.

Performance added to sold-out "Dead Man Walking" (Feb. 15) Saturday afternoon performance added for Michigan premiere of Tim Robbins' stage adaptation.

Deadline approaches for organ donor registration (Feb. 14) Online registration by Sunday, Feb. 19, needed to be counted in WMU total for statewide university competition.

Herbert S. Scott (Feb. 14) Professor emeritus of English and founding editor of New Issues Poetry & Prose, died Feb. 12.

University Theatre throwing "Wild Party" (Feb. 13) Seven performances of Andrew Lippa's adult-theme musical staged Feb. 16-25 in Multiform Theatre.

New faculty ensemble gives debut recital (Feb. 13) New ensemble of Lin Foulk, Deanna Swoboda and Yu-Lien The performs in Dalton Center recital Wednesday, Feb. 22.

Tribute to Rosa Parks featured in Sunday Concert (Feb. 13) University Symphonic Band concert at Miller Auditorium features Camphouse composition, "A Movement for Rosa."

Concert band performs Wagner, Shostakovich and more (Feb. 13) University Concert Band gives free concert Tuesday, Feb. 21, in Miller Auditorium.

Recent grad earns Gates Cambridge Scholarship (Feb. 9) April 2005 graduate Tristan Brown one of just 40 U.S. students this year and first-ever from WMU selected for honor.

Bailey to announce Innovation Fund selections (Feb. 9) President will announce winners Wednesday from among 80 proposals for $2 million in awards for "transformational ideas."

Broncos host Indiana State in Bracket Buster (Feb. 9) WMU playing in third straight Bracket Buster Saturday, Feb. 18, in University Arena.

Web content management system demonstrated (Feb. 9) Demonstration of Luminis CMS rescheduled from earlier this month. Campus community invited to Wednesday demo.

Grandmothering is topic of visiting scholar talk (Feb. 7) Renowned anthropologist Dr. Kristen Hawkes addresses role of grandmothers in the evolution of the human race Thursday.

Western Brass Quintet celebrates 40th anniversary (Feb. 7) Sunday Dalton Center concert kicks off national tour by one of America's oldest, most-respected brass ensembles.

Students can win prizes through housing survey (Feb. 7) All students encouraged to participate in online survey, random prize drawings for iPods and $100 gift cards.

President to meet with students in open forum (Feb. 6) All students welcome to first of three monthly forums with President Bailey Monday, Feb. 13, at 7 p.m.

Grammar is metaphor in new poems by Eimers (Feb. 6) "A Grammar to Waking" by Dr. Nancy Eimers, available locally and online through major booksellers.

Tackling disposal of greenhouse gas emissions (Feb. 6) WMU geoscientists working to reduce greenhouse gasses by pumping liquefied CO2 deep underground.

WMU professors rate Super Bowl ads (Feb. 6) Budweiser and Bud Light picked as best, most effective ads from Sunday's Super Bowl. Fed Ex and Ford round out top five.

Eimers and Eversz give next Frostic readings (Feb. 2) WMU's Nancy Eimers and artist-in-residence Robert Eversz read from their work Feb. 16 in the Little Theatre.

"Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" is WIDR fund-raiser (Feb. 2) Kalamazoo Film Society presents "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" Feb. 10-12 as fund-raiser for student radio station.

University Theatre debuts "Dead Man Walking" (Feb. 2) Michigan debut of Tim Robbins' stage adaptation of "Dead Man Walking" presented Feb. 9-19, in York Arena Theatre.

Annual Gold Company Show takes Miller stage (Feb. 2) WMU's internationally recognized vocal jazz ensemble presents two Feb. 11 shows in Miller Auditorium.

Baritone Anton Belov performs in Dalton (Feb. 2) Russian-born American baritone performs Tuesday evening as part of Young Concert Artists Series.

Four performancs of "Falstaff" staged in Dalton (Feb. 2) School of Music presents four performances of Verdi's comic opera Thursday through Sunday, Feb. 9-12.

Krawutschke leads international translators (Feb. 2) Dr. Peter Krawutschke elected to three-year term as president of Federation of International Translators.

WMU physics professor named APS fellow (Feb. 2) Dr. Arthur McGurn cited for "pioneering work" in selection as fellow of the American Physical Society.

News media's coverage of the powerful examined (Feb. 2) Eminent media ethics scholar Elaine Englehardt speaks Monday afternoon at WMU's Dunbar Hall.

Experts discuss "Migration in the Great Lakes Borderland" (Feb. 1) Visiting scholars Bruno Ramirez and John Bukowczyk join WMU's Nora Faires at Thursday roundtable.

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