WMU Home > About WMU > WMU News > News Archive > April 2006 April 2006 WMU News Archive WMU expands facility for geological study (April 26) State's preeminent source for data on Michigan's subsurface geology gets new home and broader mandate. Sports camps for visually impaired seek volunteers (April 26) Volunteers needed for annual Sports Education Camps for youths with visual impairments May 7-13 at WMU. Trustees to consider campus diversity plan (April 26) Board will consider diversity plan, policy on awarding honorary degrees, other issues at Friday meeting. Sindecuse pharmacy relocates temporarily (April 25) Pharmacy closed Monday, May 1, to accommodate move, reopens Tuesday, May 2, on third floor of WMU health center. Faculty invited to facilitate First-Year Seminars (April 25) Faculty members invited to join the FYE team by teaching one of 50 seminar sections. Mary Frances Fenton (April 25) Associate professor emerita of education and professional development died April 12. Roger N. Bresson (April 25) Former millwright in the physical plant died April 1. Rups offers presentation and exhibit of artists' books (April 25) Local artist and WMU alumna Pamela Rups has exhibit of handmade books in Waldo Library. Playwrights offer four "moving" stories (April 24) "Wings for Wheels: The Car Plays," Friday through Sunday, is four plays performed in four moving automobiles. WMU will graduate record number of students (April 21) WMU will grant more than 3,200 degrees--the most in its history--during ceremonies April 29 in University Arena. Students create news program for FOX 17 (April 21) Journalism and video production students create 30-minute news program broadcast Sunday, April 23, on FOX 17 WXMI. "Transamerica" makes area debut at Little Theatre (April 21) Western Film Society presents Felicity Huffman in her Academy Award-nominated role April 28-30 in Little Theatre. Students get insider's look at nation's capital (April 21) Alumna and White House deputy director Mary Ann Solberg gives three students, one faculty member personal tour. WMU-Southwest offers first glimpse of business degree (April 21) Berrien County area residents can get details about new bachelor's degree at Wednesday open house. New CD features sultry tangos and jazz-fusion (April 20) Merling Trio CD, "The Music of Astor Piazolla and Frank Proto" available through major online music stores. Curwen dance will be performed in Kennedy Center (April 20) First dance by WMU faculty member selected for national American College Dance Festival. Edwards and Grant honored at retirement events (April 20) Faculty and staff members with 66 years combined service honored at separate receptions April 26-28. Make A Difference award winners honored (April 20) Nine staff members recognized at reception today with semiannual Make A Difference awards. Event helps students through exams (April 19) Campus and community volunteers helping with Finals Finish Monday and Tuesday at the Student Recreation Center. Bookstore paying cash for used books (April 19) Students can sell used books to the WMU Bookstore during the April Book Buyback in Bernhard Center and Schneider Hall. Students support nonprofits and philanthropy (April 19) American Humanics Student Association gives $3,000 each to Generous Hands, Gryphon Place, Greenleaf Companies. Chinese ecologist and land use expert visits WMU (April 19) Dr. Fu Bojie, a director at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, speaks Thursday and Friday, April 27-28. Reading Together seeks suggestions for 2007 book (April 19) Kalamazoo Public Library seeking suggestions for book for next year's communitywide reading. University Theatre announces 2006-07 season (April 18) Season subscriptions for nine productions of 2006-07 season on sale now through Gilmore Theatre Ticket Office. Graduate student playwrights work presented (April 18) Reader's theatre of graduate student playwrights' work presented April 26 in Sprau Tower. Wall Street Journal's Schroeder speaks at English awards (April 17) Alumnus Michael Schroeder, reporter/editor for the Wall Street Journal speaks Friday morning. Aerotek president joins Marketing Hall of Fame (April 17) Alumnus Thomas Thornton inducted Friday evening into WMU's Marketing Alumni Hall of Fame. New menu items showcased at employee luncheon (April 17) Reservations by Friday recommended for April 26 WMU Catering's Administrative Professionals Day luncheon. WMU expert to address world health meeting (April 14) College of Aviation's Dr. William Hamman speaks at World Health Care Congress April 17-19 in Washington, D.C. Open meetings solicit input on Downtown Science Center (April 14) Two meetings scheduled Wednesday for input on use of former Pfizer Building 126. Senior engineering design projects showcased (April 14) Hydraulic bicycle, electronic nail file among projects presented Tuesday's Conference on Senior Engineering and Design Projects. WMU students shine at national sales competition (April 14) Team of Melissa Martz and Patrick Allor finish fifth among 80 teams at National Collegiate Sales Competition. WMU Relay for Life raises $44,700 and counting (April 14) More than 600 participants at 24-hour walk-a-thon on WMU campus raise money for American Cancer Society. Campus students triple funds raised for charities (April 14) Residence hall students raised more than $11,000 this year for cancer society, hurricane relief, other causes. Residence Hall Association best in Michigan (April 14) WMU takes School of the Year and RHA President of the Year from Michigan Organization of Residence Hall Associations. Contract approach to moral philosophy discussed (April 14) Dr. Jan Narveson of the University of Waterloo speaks at Tuesday morning ethics lecture in Moore Hall. WMUK surpasses spring fund goal (April 14) West Michigan public radio station meets its 2006 spring pledge drive goal of $170,000. Herbert H. Hannon (April 13) Professor emeritus of mathematics died April 11. Sharlene M. Miller (April 13) Retired supervisor of academic records died March 27. James P. Robinson (April 13) Retired manager of the Audiovisual Center died March 20. "Phantom" opens with Kids' Night on Broadway (April 13) Children age 12-18 may attend April 19 show free when accompanied by a full-paying adult. "Phantom" arrives in Kalamazoo (April 13) "The Phantom of the Opera" comes to Miller Auditorium for 32 performances, daily April 19 through May 14. Recent graduate gets business honor (April 12) Lindsay Tjepkema, 2005 WMU graduate, named one of West Michigan's Business Leaders Under 40. Beehive Collective uses art to describe globalization (April 12) Beehive Design Collective presents "Globalization and Resistance in the Americas" Tuesday in Multicultural Center. Roe v. Wade lawyer speaks in Bernhard Center (April 11) Abortion-rights advocate Sarah Weddington, who argued the winning side in Roe v. Wade, speaks Wednesday, April 19. Saturday is final day of free registration for Medieval (April 10) After Saturday, late registration fee of $25 applies for events of International Congress on Medieval Studies. Human resources students win statewide competition (April 10) Five teammates are members of Haworth College of Business' Society for Excellence in Human Resources. Turkey's unique place in history and world discussed (April 10) Graduate student Alev Akbulut presents "The Significant Bridge Between East and West" Friday. World Bank official discusses new economic forces (April 10) WMU alumnus Dr. Vinod Thomas addresses "New Directions in Development: Brazil, India and China" Wednesday. Bailey leads delegation to conference in Qatar (April 9) President Bailey leads WMU group at conference this week to explore higher education partnerships in Qatar. Frostic Reading Series concludes Thursday (April 9) Peter Covino and Paula McLain conclude 2005-06 series of public readings by noteworthy emerging and established authors. Latino issues addressed at Respecting Differences (April 7) Victor Rivas Rivers is keynote speaker at communitywide diversity program Tuesday and Wednesday at Chenery Auditorium. Bronco Mall looking for new restaurants (April 7) McDonald's and Little Caesars closing May 1. New food vendors expected to open before fall semester. Earth Week culminates with Thursday's Earth Fest (April 6) Week includes Reused Invention Competition, biodiesel workshop, sustainable development lecture, food and music. IT forum tackles transforming health care (April 6) Keynote speakers include Sen. Debbie Stabenow, industry representatives at Monday's Fetzer Center forum. Variety of dance styles featured in graduating recitals (April 6) Choreography of four senior BFA candidates featured in Dalton Center Studio B shows Friday through Sunday. Student compositions featured in New Sounds concerts (April 6) Musical works by undergraduate and graduate student composers presented April 14-15. Trombone Choir gives spring concert Tuesday (April 6) Ensemble comprised of 18 trombonists presents free concert in Dalton Center Recital Hall. Sunday concert is swan song for Dr. Joe Miller (April 5) Director of choral studies conducts Collegiate Singers and University Chorale in his final concert at WMU. Concerto Concert is climax to School of Music season (April 5) Pianist Naoko Imafuku, cellist Ellen Nettleton, saxophonist Henning Schroder are student soloists in Sunday concert. Students reward philanthropy and nonprofits (April 5) Humanics Student Association will present $9,000 in awards and 100 hours in student volunteer time at April 13 dinner. Business dean candidates to make presentations (April 4) Drs. Mitchell Fields, Michael Keller and David Shields, make public presentations April 13-20 in Brown Auditorium. Taking a closer look at the Supreme Court (April 4) Ohio State University's Dr. Lawrence Baum speaks on "Making Sense of the Supreme Court" Monday. Becoming more engaged in your community (April 4) Bestselling author Paul Loeb speaks Wednesday evening in Sangren Hall. Affirmative action defender speaks Thursday (April 4) Shanta Driver, spokesperson for By Any Means Necessary, speaks Thursday in WMU Fetzer Center. Marc W. Perkovic (April 4) Associate professor of chemistry died April 1. Time to show your school spirit (April 3) First Friday of each month declared Bronco Spirit Day. Wear your brown and gold or Bronco gear Friday. Shaw's "Misalliance" staged this weekend only (April 3) University Theatre presents four performances of George Bernard Shaw masterpiece Thursday through Sunday. KFS presents Oscar nominee "The New World" (April 3) Kalamazoo Film Society presents Best Cinematography nominee starring Colin Farrell, Christian Bale, Friday through Sunday. Women's Chorus gives final concert of season (April 3) Free Friday concert in Dalton Center Recital Hall opens with with Egil Hovland's "Laudate Dominum." Ruttinger feted at Friday reception (April 3) Director of exhibitions in School of Art honored for more than 20 years of service at retirement reception. Relay for Life accepting donations online (April 2) Relay for Life of WMU is Friday through Saturday at Kanley Track with goal of raising $61,000 for American Cancer Society. WMUK launches spring fund-raising drive (April 1) Public radio service of WMU begins on-air campaign with 50 percent of $170,000 goal raised. |
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