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President-elect issues statement to WMU community

April 30, 2007

KALAMAZOO--Dr. John M. Dunn, who was named the eighth president of Western Michigan University at the April 27 meeting of the Board of Trustees, issued a statement today to the University community.

To the Western Michigan University Community:

I am honored and humbled by the confidence that has been placed in me by the Western Michigan University Board of Trustees. I extend special thanks to Chair Dan Pero and the rest of the trustees for their support and the warm welcome they have extended to Linda and me.

Thank you, too, to the Search Committee, chaired by Ken Miller, for the professional and courteous manner in which the search was conducted. I knew from my first encounter with the Search Committee in Detroit on a Sunday afternoon that WMU was indeed a very special place.

The April 8-10 visit to campus confirmed that my observations were correct and that clearly from my perspective, the "fit" with the University was excellent. The on-campus interview process was intensive, and it provided me the opportunity to meet and interact with many fine representatives of the University and community. This also helped to solidify my thinking that WMU and Kalamazoo was the right place for me. And finally, the fact that Trustees Miller, DeNooyer and Johnston would take time to visit SIUC was a powerful message demonstrating their commitment to WMU and the seriousness with which they accept their role as stewards and overseers of the University. They went the extra distance to check this thing out!

I intend to work closely with the trustees, faculty, staff and students to provide the best possible leadership I can for Western Michigan University. I anticipate that the days will be long, but also filled with many bright spots as I learn more and more about this great institution, its history and successes, and the many alumni whose lives were touched and transformed by WMU.

Over this past weekend, Linda and I began the process of getting to know you and learning about this wonderful University community. We were touched and delighted by the welcome so many of you expressed, and we are anxious to move here and begin our work with you as partners helping to move this great University forward.

Finally, I want to give special acknowledgement to President Diether Haenicke for his excellent leadership of the University during this time of transition. During our first on-campus visit, Linda and I had the opportunity to have dinner with Diether and Carol, and the warmth and friendliness they exuded made a very favorable impression. I look forward to future interactions and counsel with President Haenicke and I ask that the University community join me in extending our appreciation to him for the exemplary manner in which he has led this University.

Warmest regards,

John M. Dunn
WMU President-elect

Related story
John M. Dunn named eighth president of WMU

Media contact: Cheryl Roland, (269) 387-8400, cheryl.roland@wmich.edu

WMU News
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