WMU Home > About WMU > WMU News > News Archive > June 2007 June 2007 WMU News Archive WMU will confer more than 1,600 degrees Saturday (June 27) President Haenicke presides over two commencement ceremonies June 30 in Miller Auditorium. Alumnus Andre Mika produces Live Earth broadcasts (June 25) Global music event July 7 will unite 150 musicians and 2.5 billion people to promote awareness of climate crisis. WMU aviators complete 2,500-mile air race (June 25) Aviators Jennifer Jakubiec and Alison Pierce place second among collegiate teams and 12th overall in 2007 Air Race Classic. 2007 Air Race Classic 'flight log' (June 22) Daily reports from Bronco aviators Jennifer Jakubiec and Alison Pierce from the 2,500-mile Air Race Classic. WMU creates two new academic programs (June 21) Trustees okay creation of master's in applied and computational mathematics, and undergraduate minor in Arabic. Center pioneers automotive technology (June 21) Center for Advanced Vehicle Design and Simulation aims to provide breakthrough computer-simulation technology and knowledge. WMU gets $1.4 million in grants during April (June 21) Year-to-date tally of externally funded awards through April exceeds $27.6 million for the 2006-07. Four from WMU represent U.S. in World Youth Choir (June 21) Four of five vocalists representing the U.S. in World Youth Choir are WMU students or recent graduates. WMU Parents invited to join Family Connection (June 21) WMU Family Connection is a free information and support network for students' families. Vocal jazz camp presents free evening concerts (June 19) Free evening jazz concerts Monday through Thursday, June 25-28, at Union Cabaret; Friday, June 29, in Dalton Center. WMU hosts international ballet teacher conference (June 19) Corps de Ballet International Teacher Conference is June 24-28 at Western Michigan University. WMU aviators poised for start of national air race (June 18) Pilots Jennifer Jakubiec and Alison Pierce ready for 2,500-mile air race from Oklahoma to New Brunswick. Theatre named in honor of D. Terry Williams (June 18) Former Multiform Theatre renamed for longtime chair who put WMU program on national stage. Dance professor doing research in Paris (June 18) Megan Slayter awarded Gilmore Emerging Artist grant to conduct research on choreographer Loie Fuller. Food marketing group honors two professors (June 18) Dr. Andrew Brogowicz and Dr. Frank Gambino honored during annual Food Marketing Conference. Employee groups APA and PSSO elect officers (June 18) Michele McLaughlin and Carrie Soule elected to lead nonbargaining groups APA and PSSO, respectively. Flags lowered Tuesday for Michigan man killed in Iraq (June 18) Flags lowered for Army National Guard Sgt. Matthew Soper of Jackson, Mich. Pisaneschi honored by network of Michigan educators (June 14) Provost Janet Pisaneschi gets state Distinguished Woman in Higher Education Leadership Award. WMU profs' film screened at Waterfront Festival (June 14) "Vol. 3. Illegal Art" by Drs. Rebekah Farrugia and Jennifer Machiorlatti screened at annual film festival in Saugatuck. Registration opens for August conference on Ethiopia (June 14) Discount on registrations made before July for International Conference on Ethiopian Development Studies. Off-campus and distance learning reunited (June 14) Academic Technology and Instructional Services moves back under umbrella of Extended University Programs. Trustees sign off on administrative appointments (June 14) Appointments include an associate dean and leaders for seven departments or schools. Flags lowered Friday for Michigan man killed in Iraq (June 14) Flags lowered for Army Spc. Shawn D. Gajdos of Grand Rapids, Mich. Incoming freshman wins international solo competition (June 13) Trombone player Hana Beloglavec of Kalamazoo begins studies at WMU this fall. Collaboration saves bus service for WMU students (June 13) Public-private partnership will preserve previous level of bus service. Indian Trails will now serve most campus routes. Open house will showcase environmental sustainability (June 12) Red worm composting, organic gardening, solar greenhouses and more shown at Gibbs House June 23. Western Jazz Quartet completes State Department tour (June 12) WMU faculty jazz ensemble returns from two-week artist ambassador tour in Slovenia and Croatia. Fall registration under way for branch campuses (June 12) Registration for fall semester underway at WMU campuses throughout West Michigan. Training sessions offered for international students (June 12) Optional job training workshops for eligible international students scheduled through mid-August. Richmond Center completes new arts village (June 11) Completion of sweeping $13 million Richmond Center for Visual Arts boosts stature and awareness of all the arts. Open house set for Fort St. Joseph Project in Niles (June 11) Open house June 23-24 highlights history and archaeology of 17th century French trading post. International conference to focus on trade relations (June 11) North American business and trade relations with China, other Asian countries examined June 15-16 at Fetzer Center. Mercedes de Cardenas (June 11) Associate professor emerita of Spanish died June 3. Area debut of "Perfume" screened at Little Theatre (June 11) Western Film Society presents "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer," Friday through Sunday, June 15-17. Trustees approve retirements (June 7) Retirements of six faculty members, nine staff members approved. Faculty promotions for 2007-08 announced (June 7) Complete list of trustee-approved promotions to professor, associate professor , faculty specialist. Fifty-six faculty members granted tenure (June 7) Complete list of faculty granted tenure. Trustees reject tuition proposal, call for bold alternative (June 7) Board rejects recommended 9 percent tuition increase, asks administration to submit bold alternative at July meeting. Charter schools lagging in Great Lakes states (June 6) WMU research shows students at region's charter schools perform less well than students at traditional public schools. More than 8,000 expected for orientation sessions (June 6) About 8,100 students and their parents will attend summer orientation programs at WMU during June. Beaner's opens in temporary Bronco Mall location (June 6) Beaner's Coffee open weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with full beverage service in temporary food court accommodations. Trustees to discuss tuition, budget recommendations (June 6) Fall tuition and fees, tuition rates for branch campuses and budget for 2007-08 on agenda Thursday, June 7. WMU-Southwest hosts Celebrate Literacy Conference (June 6) Community Partnership for Lifelong Learning celebrates literacy through conference Tuesday, June 12. Jazz students rack up multiple DownBeat awards (June 5) Students score five times in 30th Annual Student Music Awards; WMU wins multiple awards for 12th straight year. New office assists WMU parents and families (June 5) Clearinghouse for parent questions and concerns created. Free WMU Family Connection replaces dues-paid association. Visitors urged to avoid I-94 through Kalamazoo (June 5) Summer visitors urged to use detours from I-94 to WMU main campus, also expect delays on Stadium Drive. Event to focus on communication disorder called aphasia (June 1) Public information session is Thursday, June 7, at Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies. Advertising team second in national competition (June 1) WMU team of four advertising and promotion majors takes second place among teams from 70 universities. Flags lowered Monday for Michigan man killed in Iraq (June 1) Flags lowered for Pfc. Casey Zylman of Coleman, Mich., killed while on active duty in Iraq. |
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