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Library adds Chinese language, research collection

March 26, 2010

KALAMAZOO--Several public events have been scheduled at Western Michigan University next month to publicize the establishment of a Chinese Instruction and Research Collection in Waldo Library.

The collection will serve as the home for several thousand English and Chinese language books and instructional materials. It will be available for use free of charge within Waldo Library only and be permanently located on the library's lower level.

An opening ceremony for the new collection has been set for 4 p.m. Thursday, April 8, in the Edwin and Mary Meader Room on Waldo Library's third floor. In addition, the library has planned a three-day exhibition Thursday through Saturday, April 8-10, to showcase a broad spectrum of Chinese language instruction materials as well as books that introduce readers to Chinese culture.

The exhibition is open to anyone interested in learning or teaching the Chinese language and to people who are interested in Chinese culture. It will feature the most up-to-date materials available, including more than 3,000 books, author book signings and informational sessions focused on specific materials for each level of academic instruction.

The Confucius Institute at WMU is hosting the exhibition in cooperation with, and through a generous donation of books from, the Beijing Language and Culture University Press and the Chinese Ministry of Education, or Hanban.

Grand-opening exhibition
Waldo Library

Thursday, April 8

  • Exhibition opening and informational breakout session registration, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., third-floor rotunda.
  • Chinese Instruction and Research Collection opening ceremony, 4 to 5 p.m., Edwin and Mary Meader Room, third floor.
  • Informal reception for the general public, books dealers, faculty members and other exhibition attendees, 5 to 5:30 p.m., Edwin and Mary Meader Room and third-floor rotunda.

Friday, April 9

  • Breakout session registration, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., third-floor rotunda.
  • Breakout Session I: College-level Materials, 2 to 2:30 p.m., Room 1070 (Classroom A), first floor.
  • Breakout Session II: Middle- and High School-level Materials, 3 to 3:30 p.m., Room 1070 (Classroom A), first floor.
  • Breakout Session III: Elementary- and Kindergarten-level Materials, 4 to 4:30 p.m., Room 1070 (Classroom A), first floor.

Saturday, April 10

  • Breakout Session IV: Materials for All Levels, 10 to 11 a.m., Room 1070 (Classroom A), first floor.
  • Book sale and author signings, 11 a.m. to noon, third-floor rotunda.

For more information, visit the WMU Confucius Institute online or contact the institute at wmu-confucius@wmich.edu or (269) 387-3951.

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Media contact: Jeanne Baron, (269) 387-8400, jeanne.baron@wmich.edu

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