Project Highlights


  • 2018 to Present
  • Funder: State of Michigan
  • Description: The MiSTEM Network, through its advisory board, Executive Director, and regional directors, has taken on the important function of coordinating a statewide effort to improve STEM education in Michigan. The statewide organization is housed within the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity. Through the regional structure, educational entities, business/industry, and community organizations and agencies collaborate to identify, design, and implement STEM programming to support the improvement effort. SAMPI is in the process of a two-phase external evaluation if the Network. The first phase focused on data collection for reporting to Michigan state legislators. Phase II involves organizing and implementing a more comprehensive on-going annual MiSTEM Network evaluation, with a particular focus on studying partnership development between the Network and external organizations across Michigan.


  • 2017 to 2022
  • Funder: US Department of Education
  • Description: SAMPI is serving as external evaluators for Project English Learners and Teacher Education (ELATE), a U.S. Department of Education National Professional Development project that seeks to increase the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of pre-service and in-service teachers to work with English learners and strengthen parent, family, and community engagement. Through surveys, classroom observations, and interviews SAMPI is determining whether participants are increasing their understanding of teaching ELs and improving their practices inside and outside of the classroom to better serve EL students.


  • 1992 through 2018
  • Client: MI Math and Science Centers Network
  • Funder: State of Michigan
  • Description: SAMPI provided comprehensive external evaluation services to this Michigan Mathematics and Science Center Partnership grant. Evaluation activities included: development and analysis of teacher surveys, development, administration, and analysis of a teacher pre/post mathematics content test and a teacher video pre/post test, analysis of NWEA testing data, interviews with teachers, administrators, and project staff, and observation of professional development sessions. SAMPI participated in regular project staff meetings to share results of the data collection and analysis, as well as provided regular written reports.
  • Final Cumulative MMSCN Report


  • 2004 to 2018
  • Client: Michigan Department of Education Office of Professional Services
  • Funder: Michigan Department of Education
  • Description: Statewide cross-site evaluation of cadres of professional development projects funded through the Michigan Department of Education Title IIA(3) Improving Teacher Quality Competitive Grants Program. SAMPI gathers data across sites, provides evaluation technical assistance to projects, and compiles findings for reporting to MDE and other stakeholders.
  • Final Title IIA Cumulative Report