Tom Gillespie

Tom Gillespie is the vice president of customer development for E. & J. Gallo Winery. He has been in this role for the past 11 years and has been with Gallo for over 30 years. Gillespie’s responsibilities include sales and category management for U.S. national and regional customers. Prior to his current role, Gillespie held various positions with Gallo and Gallo’s affiliated distributors.

During his tenure as vice president, Gillespie led various projects—the latest focused on developing a new strategy to unlock future growth with customers. He was recently appointed the executive sponsor for Gallo’s Women of Wine and Spirits (WOWS), where he continues to focus on the career and culture development of WOWS members. Gillespie is also a member of Gallo African American Network (GAAN). He holds a Bachelor of Business in marketing from the University of Kentucky.