Dr. Lena Steinhoff

Dr. Lena Steinhoff is a professor of marketing and digital transformation at Paderborn University in Germany. Her research interest is relationship marketing and specifically, Steinhoff explores the intended and unintended effects of various relationship marketing tools and derives implications for their optimal deployment. The opportunities and challenges presented by the digital transformation of customer relationships is also a focus of her work.

Steinhoff’s research has appeared in leading marketing journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, Journal of International Marketing and Journal of Business Research. She was awarded the American Marketing Association’s 2021 SERVSIG Emerging Service Scholar Award for her early-career contributions to marketing and service research. Together with Robert W. Palmatier, she authored the book “Relationship Marketing in the Digital Age,” published 2019 by Routledge Taylor & Francis. Steinhoff puts an emphasis on facilitating the linkages between academia and business for knowledge creation. She continuously collaborates with various companies in business-to-consumer as well as business-to-business industries for joint research projects or executive workshops.