Teach MLK Workshop 2011


Wednesday, Jan. 19

4:00 to 5:30 1028 Brown Hall


3:40 book table & free materials for all participants from Rethinking Schools


4:00 Welcome:

“Martin Luther King, Jr., The Civil Rights Movement, and K-12 Classrooms Today”
Dr. Allen Webb


Keynote Address:

“Locating My Past: The Final Step to Freedom” Dr. Von Washington, WMU


4:45 Breakout Sessions:

“Race and Social Class Identities in Schooling” Dr. Linwood Cousins, WMU 4017 Brown

"Understanding Rural Poverty: Communicating with Elementary School Students and Parents" Chris Measaros, Bangor Public Schools 1028 Brown

"Anti-Bias, Anti-Racist Mathematics" Diane Rogers, Kalamazoo Public Schools 4037 Brown

“Using Multicultural Literature to Teach About Social Justice Issues” Ken Odle, WMU 4048 Brown

“But that Book has the “N” Word in It! Practical Classroom Uses of Diverse and Controversial Young Adult Texts for New Teachers” Jennifer Heymoss, Kalamazoo Central High School 4030 Brown

“African American English and Linguistics in the Classroom” Dr. Lisa Minnick, WMU 4045 Brown