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WMU student awarded microbiology research fellowship

by Deanne Puca

Sept. 26, 2011 | WMU News

KALAMAZOO--A Western Michigan University biology student is the recipient of an American Society of Microbiology Undergraduate Research Fellowship.

Senior Fernanda Jimenez Otero of Mexico city is one of 39 recipients of the competitive scholarship awarded to students who wish to pursue graduate degrees in microbiology. Her research project is "The Role of Glycine Metabolism in Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation," and her mentor is Dr. Silvia Rossbach, WMU professor of biological sciences.

Each fellow receives up to a $4,000 stipend to conduct full-time summer research at their institution with an ASM mentor and present their research at the ASM's annual meeting in San Francisco if their abstract is accepted.

Fellows also receive a two-year ASM student membership and travel expenses to the organization's annual meeting.

Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the ASM has more than 40,000 members worldwide.

For more information on the fellowship, visit