Dec. 12, 2011 | WMU News
KALAMAZOO--Acting at its Dec. 8 meeting, the Western Michigan University Board of Trustees officially affirmed a set of campus expectations for how students, staff and faculty should report criminal or ethical violations they might encounter.
A resolution, unanimously passed by trustees affirmed that the board and University president "expect members of the campus community to always be vigilant for the well-being of colleagues, students and visitors and to be cognizant of the special needs of those populations the University serves that are particularly vulnerable to criminal abuse."
The resolution charges all members of the University community "to promptly report acts having any connection to the University that they in good faith believe could be criminal in nature." The resolution notes that such reports should be made to the University's Department of Public Safety, which is the primary reporting spot--a message reiterated by WMU officials in campus communications.
WMU also has contracted with an external company to provide a website and phone line for anonymously reporting possible criminal or ethical violations.
After passing the resolution, Trustee Dennis Archer, chair of the board, announced the formation of a three-person trustee committee led by Mary Asmonga-Knapp of Battle Creek, Mich., to examine related campus policies and procedures. The group is to report to the full board any changes it recommends.
In remarks following the vote, Archer noted the board action was taken in light of incidents on other campuses around the nation and complimented WMU President Dunn for being proactive on the issue.
"We just want to make sure we do everything appropriate for our students, for our faculty, our staff and employees--everyone connected with this outstanding university," Archer said. "And I want to thank President Dunn for his quick leadership on this matter."