• Dr. Marjorie Harrington receives the Robert L. Kindrick–CARA Award for Outstanding Service to Medieval Studies.

  • A group of students clustered around medieval manuscript

    Students from MDVL 6000: Advanced Seminar in Medieval Studies: Codicology and Latin Paleography examine a medieval manuscript at the Newberry Library in Chicago.

  • Dr. Lofty Durham, wearing glasses, a dark jacket, and a multi-colored striped tie, speaks in front of a screen that reads "Medieval Institute Teaching Series 2023"

    Dr. Lofty Durham leads Medieval Institute graduate assistants in a pedagogy workshop.

  • A group of undergraduate students sit and stand around tables, examining manuscripts and facsimiles

    Undergraduate students in MDVL 2000: Voices of the Middle Ages visit the Zhang Legacy Collections Center to examine rare books, manuscripts, and facsimiles in a Rare Books Lab.

  • Image of Walwood Hall

    Walwood Hall, home to the Medieval Institute


Image of Clifford Davidson, a smiling man with wire rim glasses, balding with white hair, a tan suit jacket, blue shirt, and red and blue striped tie.

In memory of Clifford Davidson

We regret to report the passing of Clifford Davidson, professor emeritus of English and Medieval Studies.

Prof. Davidson worked to shape the International Congress on Medieval Studies, which he attended 57 times over his lifetime. He was a special advocate for hosting unique performance experiences at the Congress, which he often created in collaboration with his late wife, the musicologist Audrey Ekdahl Davidson, the local group Early Music Michigan, and many other groups and individuals. Lately, this legacy has been continued through the establishment of the Mostly Medieval Theatre Festival.

Prof. Davidson was a prolific scholar and was the author, co-author, editor, or co-editor of more than forty books and monographs. He founded the journal Comparative Drama (1967) and served as its co-editor for 32 years, and he created the Early Drama, Art, and Music research project (1977), which is now a thriving book series at Medieval Institute Publications.


Course Offerings from the Medieval Institute

MDVL 1000: The Middle Ages, Then and Now, a course designed to introduce students to the medieval past in the modern imagination, was taught for the first time in fall 2022 and fulfills WMU Essential Studies requirements.

MDVL 2000: Voices of the Middle Ages fulfills both Western Essential Studies and General Education requirements.


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The Medieval Institute maintains a mailing list of those interested in its programs, including the International Congress on Medieval Studies. Please let us know if you change your address or you would like to be added to the mailing list.