Student Sustainability Survey


In 2010, after receiving the approval of students and the Board of Trustees, the university began charging students $8 per semester to fund campus sustainability projects.  The Student Sustainability Survey is an anonymous survey that measures student opinions on campus sustainability projects.  By taking the survey, students can directly influence how the sustainability fee funds are spent. This survey aligns the sustainability fee directly with students’ priorities, while promoting a culture of campus sustainability that has the potential to benefit all WMU students. 


The Student Sustainability Survey asks students to rank sustainability related projects by their importance and perceived benefits. Recent survey results signaled increased interest in composting food waste from the dining halls as well as the desire for on campus sustainable residential living options. Students have also indicated their desire for increasing WMU’s renewable energy infrastructure and the implementation of an introductory sustainability course to fulfill general education credits. 

The Survey is part educational, gauging student sustainability knowledge and perceptions, and it also asks students to prioritize campus sustainability projects and initiatives such as: 1) reducing waste; 2) reducing greenhouse gas emissions; 3) expanding sustainable food systems; 4) expanding green research; 5) developing non-motorized transportation alternatives; and 6) increasing environmental justice awareness.

The  2024 Survey is now closed. We will open results to the public in a few weeks. Any student who took the survey will be entered into a raffle for a  chance to win a gift card to the WMU Bookstore or an electric scooter!