Our community is your strength
Take a tour of our facilities and see how everything from our spaces to our curriculum to our campus community is designed for your success - in dance and in life.
The Department of Dance is committed to:
- Experiential learning where students integrate theory and practice to discover, explore, and articulate a sense of themselves as dance artists and leaders
- Providing special projects and classroom experiences that value student choice and variety
- Offering comprehensive, tri-focal training in ballet, jazz, and modern dance techniques
- Engagement with national and international dance communities through artist residencies and immersive experiences

Bronco kicks off holiday season as legendary Radio City Rockette

Baby to ballerina and beyond: Dance double major can plan for the future at Western

‘Their energy is very powerful’: Guest artist choreographs special performance for Western’s Winter Gala Dance Concert

Western dance students will take audience on tour of campus with 'In-site/Outside'

Pandemic pushes dancers to explore new territory in virtual Winter Gala