Bronco Spotlight: Nicole Kragt

Image of Nicole Kragt
Master of Arts, organizational communication, 1999 and Bachelor of Arts, elementary education, 1997

Current Job Title:


Current Employer:

Kalamazoo College

Describe your current job:

I oversee university/college's system of student records and am responsible for class registration, assigning classroom space, and updating student records.  I ensure that all requirements have been met prior to graduation and that diplomas are factually correct. I also determine students who have achieved certain scholastic goals, such as the Dean's List.

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most challenging part of this position is attempting to meet the varying needs of various stakeholders including students, staff, and faculty.  These are sometimes conflicting and a strain on limited resources.  The most rewarding part of this position is commencement day. To see the fruits of all of our efforts - students who have reached the first of their educational goals and graduated - hopefully stronger, better, and more enlightened.

If you had a campus job or internship, how did they impact your career development?

I worked in several jobs on campus - I was an office aide in the office of admissions, an orientation leader, and an RA in my undergrad years and in graduate school I was an academic advisor for the University Curriculum office. These roles helped me to find my passion for work in higher education. Without these roles I don't know that I would have discovered the joy of helping others achieve their higher education goals.

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college?

Just because you have a major in something, that doesn't mean it's what you have to do for the rest of your life. I earned a BS in Elementary Education - and when I decided I didn't want to teach I was lost at first until I realized my passion was in higher education administration. It's okay to be lost - it will lead you to something much more fulfilling than hanging onto a career you are no longer interested in.

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