College Awards Grants for 2015

The College of Education and Human Development Grant Program has named five new recipients based on proposals submitted by November 15, 2014.  Of the five recipients, three CEHD departments are represented: Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology, Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology, and Department of Special Education and Literacy Studies.  The 2015 recipients are:

Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology

Grant Title: Parenting Support: The African American Child Discipline Project
Recipient: Dr. Carla Adkison-Johnson

Grant Title: Clinical Supervisors and the Formation of Professional Identity in Supervisees
Recipient: Dr. Stephanie Burns

Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

Grant Title: The Organizational Impact of Online Technical Education in Michigan
Recipient: Dr. Regina L. Garza Mitchell

Grant Title: Transition in College for Students with Learning Disabilities
Recipient: Dr. Wanda Hadley

Department of Special Education and Literacy Studies

Grant Title: Exploring and Developing Diversity Disposition Survey in Literacy Teacher Education
Recipient: Dr. Hsiao-Chin Kuo

To learn more about each grant please visit the Tate Grant and Innovation Center website.