Science and medical links
- Daniel Levitin's Homepage
- This is Your Brain on Music (Daniel Levitin's book and project)
- The Musical Brain
- The Institute for Music Research (Don Hodges)
- New York Academy of Science
- Community of Science
- The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- The AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics and Religion
- Center for the Study of Emotion and Attention (CSEA) - Peter Lang
- Robert Zatorre's Lab
- Isabelle Peretz's Lab
- BRAMS (International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research)
- The Duke Medical College Center for Spirituality, Theology, and Health
- National Institute of Health (NIH)
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- Washington University School of Medicine Neuroscience Tutorial
- Human Brain Models (Plastic as well as software models)
Music therapy links
- Music Therapy Program at Western Michigan University
- American Music Therapy Association
- MusicWorx of California (Barb Reuer)
- Coast Music Therapy (Michelle Lazar)
- The Music Therapy Center of California (Julie Guy)
- MuSICA: Music and Science Computer Archive
- Music Therapy World
- British Society for Music Therapy
- New Zealand Society for Music Therapy
- Australian Music Therapy Association
- The European Music Therapy Confederation
- The Center for Music Therapy (Austin, TX - Hope Young)
- Institute for Music and Neurologic Function (Connie Tomaino)
- MMB Music Company