Teaching Assistantship Application

Complete the following form to apply for a graduate teaching assistantship in the Department of Gender and Women's Studies at Western Michigan University and submit by March 1.

*Required information

List name, title, email address and phone number. This first reference should be able to speak to your progress toward degree.
List name, title, email address and phone number.
Which WMU GWS courses are you qualified to teach? For multiple selections, use the Ctrl key on Windows and Command key on the Mac.
List if you wish to teach during fall, spring or both, and indicate any other preferences
Articulate your preparation to teach gender and women's studies courses (e.g., degrees, coursework, trainings, workshops, teaching experience); why you wish to teach GWS courses; your progress toward a degree and anticipated graduation date and how a gender and women’s studies teaching assistantship pertains to your professional goals.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: rtf pdf doc docx.
Include separate categories for courses for which you were a teaching assistant (e.g., grader, discussion section leader) and courses for which you were sole instructor.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: rtf pdf doc docx.
In one file, include evidence of teaching excellence, such as detailed course evaluations, observation letters and a sample syllabus.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: rtf pdf doc docx.
Indicate if you are also interested in part-time instructional opportunities.