Grace Ankomaa Osafo

Grace Ankomaa Osafo
Evaluation Assistant I
Mailing address:
Evaluation Lab
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5237 USA
Grace Ankomaa Osafo
  • M.S., International Development Administration, Western Michigan University, 2024
  • B.A., Political Science, University of Ghana
  • B.A., Spanish, University of Ghana

Hometown: Kukurantumi, Ghana

Hobbies: Spending time with family

What inspired you to join the Evaluation Lab?
The lab started just right about the time I was developing a keen interest in evaluation, and it offered a unique opportunity to explore evaluation in a practical, real-world setting. The chance to gain valuable skills, learn from mistakes in a supportive environment, and contribute to meaningful change in the non-profit sector was an experience I couldn’t resist.

How is your work with the Lab supporting your career goals?
My work in the Evaluation Lab directly aligns with my career goal of becoming an expert evaluator. The Lab has provided hands-on experience in real-world evaluation, equipping me with essential skills and fostering a safe environment to learn and grow. Through this work, I have gained practical insights and confidence to contribute meaningfully to the non-profit sector while laying a solid foundation to excel as a professional evaluator and drive impactful change.