
The Idea of Prison Abolition

Posted by Daniel Kosacz for Study of Ethics in Society

Join our book club! The Idea of Prison Abolition by Tommie Shelby, Caldwell Titcomb Professor of African and African American Studies and of Philosophy at Harvard University, examines the case for prison abolition, building on the work of Angela Davis and other Black activists and prison reformers. Some reformers advocate for the end of prisons, given the prevalence of inhumane conditions, the devastating costs of mass incarceration for Black communities, and other ethical problems. Shelby concludes that we can greatly reduce incarceration by attending to the structural injustices that contribute to crime and the harms it causes even if prisons remain.

Discussions led by Ashley Atkins, associate professor of philosophy. 

Students who attend all meetings get Signature credit. First 10 sign-ups receive a free book. Fill out this form to register.

For more information, go to the Ethics Center's website.

Date: Monday, Nov. 13 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm Monday, Nov. 27 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm Monday, Dec. 04 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Location: 2401 Sangren Hall
Kalamazoo MI 49006 US
Contact: Sandra Borden
Email for more information