Flip Your Class Seminar
Although 'flipping' the classroom is not a new concept, it is currently getting a lot of press in higher education. But what exactly is 'flipping' and how do you do it?
The flipped classroom is a "pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed" (Educause, 2012). It transfers the responsibility of 'getting' content from the professor to the student. There are many ways to flip your classroom, but one of the most talked about method is to record your lectures and have students watch them before coming to class. With this preexposure, you can spend precious face-to-face class time applying subject content to real-life situations or scenarios.
Our upcoming Flipping Your Class Seminar discusses additional benefits and challenges of this concept, and explore why you may want to consider it.
2018 Flip Your Class Seminar
June 5, 6, 7, 2018 from 9:30 a.m. – 12 noon at UCC Room 2033