Betty Dennis
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5378 USA

Dr. Dennis is the director of diversity, equity, and inclusion and a master faculty specialist in the School of Interdisciplinary Health Programs for the College of Health and Human Services at Western Michigan University (WMU). She has been responsible for preparing and delivering a variety of courses in the Health Services and Sciences (HSS) program including human growth and development, psychosocial issues, diversity and inclusion in health care, and information literacy. She infuses information literacy content and experiential teaching strategies such as small groups, journaling, meditation, and whole class discussions to replace lecture content. She has competency in developing and teaching in both an online and hybrid format. Her research focuses on leadership, undergraduate students who are exploring different majors, and assessing student learning outcomes.
Dr. Dennis has a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and they graduate certificate and integrative holistic health and Wellness. Dr. Dennis has taught 6 core HSV courses (2250, 3650/2650, 4400, 4880, 4900, and 1000) in both online and face to face formats, and has taught large sections and has taught diversity and inclusion modules for IPE 2350. Dr. Dennis also helped to create and is the first instructor for HSV 1000: Careers in Health Professions designed to introduce and expose students to various health careers. Dr. Dennis served on a transdisciplinary research team with occupational therapy and Waldo librarians to improve HSV 3650 using focus groups. To aid in this process, Dr. Dennis also wrote and received a WMU grant to conduct these faculty focused groups. She is committed to continuing education and lifelong learning through her participation in workshops offered by WMU's Office of Faculty Development and was also selected to participate in a 30-hour training on building cultural competency focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion programming. Dr. Dennis also mentors and trains part time faculty, especially on areas around diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. During her 37-year tenure at WMU she has served in various leadership capacities including the associate dean of Extended University Programs and director of University Curriculum. She serves WMU as the chair of the engagement and communication committee for the WMU Black Faculty Staff Council and a member of the Faculty Senate Campus Planning and Finance Committee.
Dr. Dennis is also an Associate Minister at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Kalamazoo, MI where she has been a Christian educator for more than 30 years. She serves the community by sharing the love of God at nursing homes, Ministry with Community, Kalamazoo Gospel Mission, and everywhere she goes. She is the author of the children’s book God in 3 Persons which teaches children about The Gospel Trinity. She is also a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She is a member of the Kalamazoo Alumnae chapter where she has served as the chaplain and currently serves as the co-parliamentarian for the Kalamazoo Alumnae chapter.