photo of western horn choir

The horn studio at WMU is full of vibrant, talented horn students. The number of students in the studio usually ranges from 10-14 undergraduate music majors and two graduate assistants. Horn students major in a variety of music fields such as music performance, music education, and music therapy. ALL music majors take applied lessons with the horn professor, not a graduate student.

WMU horn graduates are winning auditions and playing in professional orchestras and bands such as the President’s Own Marine Band, Detroit Symphony Orchestra and New World Symphony. They have received top prizes in major competitions including the International Horn Competition and Mid-North Horn Workshop. Winning auditions to participate in important summer music programs (Pacific, Round Top, and Brevard Music Festivals), winning scholarships and assistantships to pursue graduate study at well-regarded institutions (Cincinnati Conservatory of Music; Scuola Universitaria di Musica in Lugano, Switzerland; Universities of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin–Madison; Michigan State University, to name a few), teaching in university programs (University of North Dakota), and earning top WMU campus awards (WMU Senior Award, School of Music Graduate Award for Excellence in Leadership/Service, winning the WMU School of Music Concerto Competition).

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