WMU Applicant Tracking System Upgrade Project Timeline

Applicant Tracking System Upgrade timeline and important information

As we transition to the upgraded applicant tracking system, hiring agents will have the option to submit all posting requests in the current 5.8 applicant system with a closing date of Nov. 11, OR wait to post until the upgraded WMU online applicant tracking system goes live on Nov. 14. HR will assist you through this process.

IMPORTANT WEBSITE TRANSITION NOTE: If your department believes it will be beyond the mandatory closing date of Nov. 11 to acquire an adequate candidate pool, then you will have the option of canceling the posting in the current system, and re-posting in the upgraded system after the “go-live” date of Nov. 14.

November 8-9, 2022

November 11, 2022

  • All postings in the current WMU online applicant tracking system will be closed. Departmental hiring agents will still be able to access job posting and manage applicant, bringing them to a final status. After this date, new candidates will not be able to submit applications through this version of the system.

November 14, 2022

  • Upgraded WMU online applicant tracking system will go live! Departments will be able to submit requests for new posting in the upgraded system.

December 5, 2022

  • Current version of the online applicant tracking system will sunset and access will no longer be available.
  • Deadline to move all job postings in the current version of the WMU online applicant tracking system to final status of "Filled" if you have hired a candidate from the applicant pool or "Canceled" if you did not hire a candidate. Human Resources will assist you with this process.