Raymond F. Ribble

Raymond Ribble, CEO of SPHER, Inc.
Raymond Ribble, B.S.'84, is the chief executive officer and founder of SPHER, Inc.—a market-leading compliance analytics and cybersecurity solutions firm that addresses HIPAA regulations, state privacy laws and electronic protected health information (ePHI) security threats. In his role, Ribble leads the company in addressing healthcare privacy and security issues surrounding the detection of unauthorized access to ePHI and delivering meaningful analysis to healthcare organizations to prevent data breaches.

Ribble is active in a number of many nationally recognized advocacy groups for protected health information, including the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, Medical Group Management Association and Health Care Compliance Association. He regularly presents at seminars and webinars, contributing to the ongoing awareness around accurately identifying access threats to healthcare data in today’s digital landscape. 

With over 30 years in the systems technology industry, Ribble began his career at Northrop Grumman working on AI-based flight solutions. He earned a certificate in Asian studies from the University of California, Los Angeles, which led him to pursue a career in Japan and China where he co-founded an IT consulting business focused on software development across industries. 

Prior to founding SPHER, Inc., Ribble’s IT company played a leadership role in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act assisting over 2000 provider groups across Southern California in attesting to meaningful use. During this critical migration to electronic healthcare record systems, he became acutely aware of shortcomings in monitoring access to ePHI and founded SPHER, Inc. to deliver an easy-to-use and affordable analytics solution based on AI technologies.

Special presentation

Friday, November 4
1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Kirsch Auditorium, Fetzer Center